
Results 78 comments of Glavo

> 去掉无效的拷贝操作后,对性能有多少提升? > > 目前我脑测想到的是 HMCL 长时间运行后(即 Logging 里存了一堆 Log),此时再导出日志时的表现…… 相较于 IO 来说,内存拷贝的性能开销基本可以忽略,本 PR 主要目的是减少内存分配。 我计划在 HMCLauncher 中将默认堆内存调整为 1G 或者更小,优化内存分配可以减少 GC 带来卡顿以及 OOM 的风险。

> As far as I know there is nothing preventing mpv from running on Windows/ARM. Have you tried and ran into problems? Sorry I didn't really try to compile before...

> Looks like an unfortunate naming conflict. Try adding `#undef MemoryBarrier` to the top of `ra_gl.c`. @sfan5 Thanks for your help, I managed to get mpv running on my Snapdragon...

> Has GCC/Binutils finally added support for AArch64 PE? Because last I knew, that was one of the largest problems trying to do either native builds with MSys2 or cross-compiles...

长时间无动态,我先把这个 Issue 关掉了,如果之后有补充信息我会重新打开。

长时间无动态,我先把这个 Issue 关掉了,如果之后有补充信息我会重新打开。



请更新 HMCL。