David Nadaski
David Nadaski
They've recently added template support as an experimental feature to DXC: https://github.com/microsoft/DirectXShaderCompiler/pull/3533 Wanted to create an "issue" to point this out - would be awesome to have template support in...
VarianceShadowsManager::ComputeNearAndFar() calculates `fFarPlane` incorrectly in certain situations. Manually setting `fFarPlane` to a larger value circumvents the issue but defeats the purpose of "AABB/Scene NearFar" `FIT_NEARFAR_SCENE_AABB` fitting. https://github.com/walbourn/directx-sdk-samples/assets/15961472/59dd5e4b-ebf4-4f5c-86de-17100a5999c2
Accessing "aggressively packed" array elements in a constant buffer via static cast results in ICE
As per https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/direct3dhlsl/dx-graphics-hlsl-packing-rules#more-aggressive-packing ```glsl #define MAX_TEXTURES 4 #define MAX_BUFFERS 4 cbuffer CResourceIndexRootConstants : register(b2) { uint4 iTexs[MAX_TEXTURES / 4]; uint4 iBufs[MAX_BUFFERS / 4]; } float4 main(CPSInLighting pin) : SV_Target0 {...
It would be great to be able to search fields by text: Name and Value could be made searchable separately and together as well, i.e. an AND and an OR...
Fixed three cases of division by zero. You can use the following macro to get errors at runtime when a div by zero or other floating-point error occurs, like NaN...
**Description** Compiling shaders with DXC built from source in the Release configuration from commit 05334a7 produces an exception. The Debug configuration works fine. **Steps to Reproduce** Build DXC from source...