Android-XML-to-PDF-Generator icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Android-XML-to-PDF-Generator copied to clipboard

This library is for convert XML to PDF very easily using Step Builders Pattern


XML to PDF Generator For Android

Maintained Maintained


Automatically generate PDF file from XML file or Java's View object in Android

Make PDF from Android layout resources (e.g - R.layout.myLayout,, Java's view ids or directly views objects

Run the sample app and see the gif below for getting more clearance.


  • Simple: Extremely simple to use. For using Step Builder Design Patten undernath,here IDE greatly helps developers to complete the steps for creating a PDF from XMLs.
  • Powerful: Customize almost everything.
  • Transparent: It shows logs,success-responses, failure-responses , that's why developer will nofity any event inside the process.
📖 Table of Contents


➤ Table of Contents

  • ➤ Installation
  • ➤ Getting Started
  • ➤ License


➤ Installation

Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your root build.gradle at the end of repositories

android {
   /*Need Java version 1.8 as Rx java is used for file write underneath for preventing UI freezing*/
    compileOptions {
        sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
        targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
allprojects {
    repositories {
        // ...
        maven { url '' }

Step 2. Add the dependency

dependencies {
        implementation 'com.github.Gkemon:Android-XML-to-PDF-Generator:2.6.2

## ➤ Getting Started

You can generate <b>PDF</b> from many sources.
* Layout resources (i.e: ```R.layout.myLayout```)
* View ids (i.e: ``````)
* Java view objects (i.e ```View```,```TextView```,```LinearLayout```) because sometimes we need to change the content of the XML and then dealing this java view object is only way to do this.

## ➤ Important Note
For better output and make the PDF more responsive,please try to set ```android:layout_width``` of the top most view of XML a fixed value in pixel or ```px``` (Recommandation is not use ```dp``` as it depends on device screen) instead of ```wrap_content``` and ```match_parent``` otherwise sizing could be malformed in PDF for different device screen.Suppose if you want to print an A4 sized pdf so you can see my example from [where]( You just need to make your XML's  width:hight aspected ratio 1:1.14142. Referece is [here](,(1%3A%E2%88%9A2) ).

### From layout resources : 
( Only static content in XML will be printed by this approach. If you want to change the content of the XML ,suppose there is a
text view in the XML and you want to populate it with a data then try the [approach]( ) 

			/* "fromLayoutXML()" takes array of layout resources.
			 * You can also invoke "fromLayoutXMLList()" method here which takes list of layout resources instead of array. */
			/* It is file name */
			/* It is folder name. If you set the folder name like this pattern (FolderA/FolderB/FolderC), then
			 * FolderA creates first.Then FolderB inside FolderB and also FolderC inside the FolderB and finally
			 * the pdf file named "Test-PDF.pdf" will be store inside the FolderB. */
			/* It true then the generated pdf will be shown after generated. */
                        .build(new PdfGeneratorListener() {
                            public void onFailure(FailureResponse failureResponse) {
				/* If pdf is not generated by an error then you will findout the reason behind it
				 * from this FailureResponse. */
                            public void onStartPDFGeneration() {
                                /*When PDF generation begins to start*/

                            public void onFinishPDFGeneration() {
                                /*When PDF generation is finished*/

                            public void showLog(String log) {
				/*It shows logs of events inside the pdf generation process*/ 

                            public void onSuccess(SuccessResponse response) {
				/* If PDF is generated successfully then you will find SuccessResponse 
				 * which holds the PdfDocument,File and path (where generated pdf is stored)*/

From view IDs :

			/* "fromViewID()" takes array of view ids and the host layout xml where the view ids are belonging.
			 * You can also invoke "fromViewIDList()" method here which takes list of view ids instead of array.*/
                        .build(new PdfGeneratorListener() {
                            public void onFailure(FailureResponse failureResponse) {
                            public void onStartPDFGeneration() {
                                /*When PDF generation begins to start*/

                            public void onFinishPDFGeneration() {
                                /*When PDF generation is finished*/

                            public void showLog(String log) {

                            public void onSuccess(SuccessResponse response) {

From views:

( This approach is perfect when you need to change the XML content. You can change the content getting them by findViewById and change them and finally print them. Other example is here )

TextView tvText = view.findViewByID(;
tvText.setText("My changed content");
//By the following statements, we are changing the text view inside of our target "view" which is going to be changed.
//So if we now print the "view" then you will see the changed text in the pdf.

                        .build(new PdfGeneratorListener() {
                            public void onFailure(FailureResponse failureResponse) {

                            public void showLog(String log) {

                            public void onStartPDFGeneration() {
                                /*When PDF generation begins to start*/

                            public void onFinishPDFGeneration() {
                                /*When PDF generation is finished*/ 
                            public void onSuccess(SuccessResponse response) {

### Multi-paged PDF creation:
Users of the library, sometimes have doubts that how to create multi-paged PDF. Though I mentioned it above but I need to show it again for more clearance.
You can insert multiple xml or views object even view id in the parameter of the following methods to create multi-paged pdf: 

If you want create multi-paged pdf from xmls-


 If you want create multi-paged pdf from view ids -

 If you want create multi-paged pdf from views-

### How to print an Invoice Or Report ? 
Sometimes people gets stuck to print invoice or report via this library.So I wrote an example invoice/report printing fragment to visualise how to print an <b>Invoice</b> or <b>Report</b>. Here is [the link also with an important documentation]( 

### How to deal with generated PDF? 
With a method calling named `openPDFafterGeneration(true)`, the generated file will be automatically opened automatically.So you <b>DON'T NEED TO BE BOTHER FOR IT</b>. [FileProvider]( is used to open file here. To get a good insight about it please see the [tutorial]( The `android:authorities` name in the app is `${applicationId}.xmlToPdf.provider` which might be needed if you want to deal with generated file <b>CUSTOMLY</b>,not letting the app open the generated file. you will get the generated file path in `onSuccess(SuccessResponse response)` response.

### Troubleshoot
* Try to avoid to provide `match_parent` and `wrap_content` height/width in XML. So it specifically. 
* If any of your footer view is not placed the footer position then you need adjust it using `marginTop` and keep it in a `ScrollView`.For example this [issue]( is fixed by rearranging XML like [this](

So if you find any trouble,then you are also welcomed again to knock me.Thank you so much. 


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#### Logo credit: [kirillmazin](

## ➤ License

The source code is licensed under the [Apache License 2.0]( 


## ➤ App using it 
* [Codeddit Programmer Community](
* [হাজিরা খাতা - Attendance sheet - HaziraKhata](
* [Trust Axiata Pay](
* [Prideboard](

* [Treatbook - Your Health Coach and Medical Tracker](

* [Mobflow](