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A simple framework for gesture recognition in Java
A simple framework for gesture recognition in Java
- Released builds are available from - Bintray
- Released builds are available from - Maven Central
- Snapshot builds are available from - Artifactory
If you need to access the documentation for any stable version, is probably the right place to search in.
To build Jestures, execute the following command:
gradlew build
NOTE : Jestures uses JavaFx so it may not work on older version of Java.
Run the demo with:
cd Jestures_Recorder
gradlew run
Gesture Recorder Tool
Run the demo with:
cd Jestures_Demo
gradlew run
Adding Jestures to your build
How to Include In Gradle Project
repositories {
Reference the repository from this location using:
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.giulianini.jestures:jestures:1.0.0'
How to Include In Maven Project
How to Include In Ivy Project
<dependency org='com.github.giulianini.jestures' name='jestures' rev='1.0.0'>
<artifact name='jestures' ext='pom' ></artifact>
How can I use Jestures
Set Up The Framework
- Install the Kinect SDK
- Download natives - Natives dll for Kinect
- Put ufdw_j4k**bit.dll Natives into HOME/.Jestures/native. Jestures will find them.
You can download the source code of the library and build it as mentioned previously. Building Jestures will generate Jestures.jar under the Track4J/build/libs folder. To use Jestures, import Jestures.jar into your project and start recognizing gestures :). -
Import the dependency
Include the dependency for your build system.
Start The Recorder Tool
- Follow the step above and the recorder tool must work with your kinect version.
Tracker only
final Sensor sensor = new Kinect(Joint.RIGHT_HAND, KinectSensors.SKELETON_ONLY, KinectVersion.KINECT1);
final Tracking tracker = Tracker.getInstance();
tracker.setOnJointTracked(new JointListener(){
Start the Recognizer
final Sensor sensor = new Kinect(Joint.RIGHT_HAND, KinectSensors.SKELETON_ONLY, KinectVersion.KINECT1);
final Recognition recognizer = Recognizer.getInstance();
Start via UI
final Sensor sensor = new Kinect(Joint.RIGHT_HAND, KinectSensors.SKELETON_ONLY, KinectVersion.KINECT1);
final Recognition recognizer = Recognizer.getInstance();
final RecognitionView view = new RecognitionScreenView(recognizer);
Define your own UI
public class Gui extends AbstractView {
public Gui(Recognition recognizer) {
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
public void notifyOnFrameChange(int frame, Vector2D derivative, Vector2D path) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void notifyOnFeatureVectorEvent() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
..... A lot of methods to implements
Supported sensors
- Kinect v1
- Kinect v2
Future support
- Lipmotion
- Kinect v1
- Kinect v2
Notes for Developers
Importing the project
The project has been developed using Eclipse, and can be easily imported in such IDE.
Recommended configuration
Install the required eclipse plugins:
- In Eclipse, click "Help" -> "Eclipse Marketplace..."
- In the search field enter "findbugs", then press Enter
- One of the retrieved entries should be "FindBugs Eclipse Plugin", click Install
- Click "< Install More"
- In the search field enter "checkstyle", then press Enter
- One of the retrieved entries should be "Checkstyle Plug-in" with a written icon whose text is "eclipse-cs", click Install
- Click "< Install More"
- Wait for Eclipse to resolve all the features
- Click "Confirm >"
- Follow the instructions, accept the license, wait for Eclipse to download and install the product, accept the installation and restart the IDE
- When restarted, click "Help" -> "Install New Software..."
- Click "Add..."
- In "Location" field, enter
- The "Name" field is not mandatory (suggested: "PMD")
- Click OK.
- If not already selected, in "Work with:" dropdown menu choose the just added update site
- Select "PMD for Eclipse 4" and click next
- Follow the instructions, accept the license, wait for Eclipse to download and install the product, accept the installation and restart the IDE.
Set the line delimiter to LF (only for Windows users)
- In Eclipse, click window -> preferences
- In the search form enter "encoding", then press Enter
- Go to General -> Workspace
- In the section "New text file line delimiter" check "Other" and choose Unix
- Apply
Use space instead of tabs
- In Eclipse, click window -> preferences
- Go to General -> Editors -> Text Editors
- Check "insert spaces for tabs" option.
- Apply.
- Go to Java -> Code style -> Formatter
- Click Edit button
- In Indentation tab, under "General Settings", set "tab policy" to "Spaces only"
- Apply (you should probably rename the formatter settings).