GitLink copied to clipboard
breaks when called via ssh
gitlink /h
GitLink v2.1.0.0
Arguments: /h
Update pdb files to link all sources. This will allow anyone to step through the source code while debugging without a symbol source server.
Note that the solution must be built because this application will update existing pdb files.
GitLink [solutionPath] -u [urlToRepository]
solutionPath The directory containing the solution with the pdb files.
-u [url] Url to remote git repository.
-f [file] Solution file name.
-c [config] Name of the configuration, default value is 'Release'.
-p [platform] Name of the platform, default value is 'AnyCPU'.
-b [branch] Name of the branch to use on the remote repository.
-l [file] The log file to write to.
-s [shaHash] The SHA-1 hash of the commit.
-debug Enables debug mode with special dumps of msbuild.
Press any key to continue An unexpected error occurred | [InvalidOperationException] System.InvalidOperationException: Schlssel knnen nicht gelesen werden, wenn keine der Anwendungen eine Konsole besitzt, oder wenn die Konsoleneingabe aus einer Datei umgeleitet wurde. Verwenden Sie Console.Read. bei System.Console.ReadKey(Boolean intercept) bei GitLink.Program.Main(String[] args)
Thanks for reporting. Not sure why ReadKey doesn't work when calling via ssh.