GitLink copied to clipboard
output help if no arguments are given
$ gitlink
GitLink v2.1.0.0
Invalid number of arguments An unexpected error occurred | [GitLinkException] GitLink.GitLinkException: Invalid number of arguments bei Catel.Logging.LogExtensions.ErrorAndThrowException[TException](ILog log, String messageFormat, Object[] args) in c:\CI_WS\Ws\5778\Source\Catel\src\Catel.Core\Catel.Core.Shared\Logging\Extensions\LogExtensions.cs:Zeile 398. bei GitLink.ArgumentParser.ParseArguments(List`1 commandLineArguments, IProviderManager providerManager) bei GitLink.Program.Main(String[] args)
which is pretty useless. ;-)
Agree. But it means you have a wrong command line. Can you post that one here?
it was simply empty, as shown above. no arguments.
You must specify a directory:
GitLink.exe c:\source\catel
See docs:
Hm, It seesm it doesn't work for me that way. We (arangodb) generate the vsd files using cmake in a fresh directory (i.e. Build64) which then for shure is not inside of git. Is there a way to specify the source root, and the build root? It also doesn't seem to like the projects generated:
GitLink v2.1.0.0
Arguments: ./Build64/ -u -b devel
Failed to load project 'C:\b\workspace\Contineous_W32_build\Build64\ALL_BUILD.vcxproj': Das importierte Projekt "C:\Microsoft.Cpp.Default.props" wurde nicht gefunden. Vergewissern Sie sich, dass der Pfad in der <Import>-Deklaration korrekt und die Datei auf dem Datentraeger vorhanden ist. C:\b\workspace\Contineous_W32_build\Build64\ALL_BUILD.vcxproj
I'm building it all that way:
GitLink uses the VS project system to load the projects (in order to retrieve paths, etc). Apparently the imported props file cannot be found. Can you open this project / solution in VS?
yes, it perfectly well opens in vs. Cmake / windows also uses msbuild to do the compiling. If you want to take a closer look: Our windows build procedure: