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How i need initialize FirebaseApp?
How i need initialize FirebaseApp for use Firebase.auth?
Now I am getting an error: Default FirebaseApp is not initialized in this process Make sure to call FirebaseApp.initializeApp(Context) first.
when i'm use Firebase.auth(
You need to call
import dev.gitlive.firebase.Firebase
import dev.gitlive.firebase.FirebaseOptions
import dev.gitlive.firebase.firestore.firestore
import dev.gitlive.firebase.initialize
val app = Firebase.initialize(
options = FirebaseOptions(
applicationId = "",
apiKey = "",
databaseUrl = "",
gaTrackingId = "",
storageBucket = "",
projectId = "",
gcmSenderId = "",
authDomain = "",
val store = Firebase.firestore(app)
My android app is crashing if I initialize it like this, complaining that context is null, any idea ?
@gergirod I don't think we need to configure FirebaseOptions in the case of Android. We can just pass it a context and it should be good to go. That's because the Android project should already have the google-services.json
acting as its FirebaseOptions
It would be great to have some guide. Meanwhile, what worked for me:
- For android
a. Add android app using firebase console. Note, my android module has package name And android part of shared module (I use firebase inside that shared module) has name So I had to use package name when adding (which was not very intuitive).
b. Firebase suggests you to download google-services.json file, I put it inside shared module (in the same dir with shared module build.gradle.kts file).
c. After doing that, launching app was able to initialise from file. So I was able to get db reference using simple
val db = Firebase.firestore
- For ios:
a. Add ios app using firebase console. Note, in that one I had to use package name of ios module, not shared ( in my case)
b. As in instructions from console in xcode -> file -> add packages -> -> Choose required services from the list (for me it was only firestore)
c. In main swift code of ios module I added
import FirebaseCore
infunc application
d. File from firebase console (GoogleService-Info.plist) put into the same folder with that main swift file (also there was Info.plist in that dir). e. And the most undocumented step: we need to make sure xcode sees that file. In my case I had to manually add it by left click on project dir (the same we place file in) -> add files to "app" -> add GoogleService-Info.plist After following actions a got firebase working on android and ios.
Disclaimer: I had no idea what I was doing, just randomly applying solutions from the internet to fix errors appearing. Probably my solution is not correct, but it works. I hope in future there will be some guide for setting up firebase multiplatform.
3. Figured it out for JS:
a. Add web app using Firebase console
b. Instead of following advices from Firebase console, follow solution of @MinmoTech: without any index.html file modification or adding extra dependencies, I added to main function of main.js.kt (before everything else) Firebase.initialize(FirebaseOptions(...))
with credentials created by Firebase console
@dimitree54 Would you be able to share your "shared" module's build.gradle.kts? I'm having the same issue and I suspect I'm importing the libraries incorrectly in the gradle.
I have added the implementation("dev.gitlive:firebase-firestore:1.8.0") to commonMain dependencies. I'm unsure of how to import the google-services plugin correctly in Kotlin Gradle DSL
Hello @javierlcontreras,
Maybe you can find something useful in my abandoned project (also follow submodule cuboc_core
, some firebase setup done there).
But I do not develop that project for some time already, so could not comment that code.
Hello @javierlcontreras, Please add id("").version("4.3.14").apply(false) in the inside the plugins of build.gradle.kts(Module :Project) and add id("") in the plugins {} of build.gradle.kts(Module :androidApp).
Note: Don't forget to add google-services.json in the android app
So thanks to @dimitree54 's steps I managed to get my app initialized, and Firebase Auth and Firestore are working on both Android and IOS. I have a secondary issue now, though: I added Google One Tap Sign in, which uses the library, as an Android-specific feature. It's executing the service call right, but it's getting an 10 exception, which is usually an indication that the app's SHA-1 fingerprint isn't set up right on Firebase/present in the google-services.json file (double-checked, it's there in both). Has anybody else encountered that/managed to get it working?
A side note I only have the google-services.json file in the shared module, when I tried adding it to the androidApp module
Execution failed for task ':androidApp:processDebugGoogleServices'.
No matching client found for package name ''
The package name in the google-services.json file is just "package_name": "", which is right, and the path to my application class is It's not doing this when the google-services file is just in shared, only when I add it to androidApp, but still it's really odd, if anyone can tell me why it's doing that I'd appreciate it