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338 agterberg cheng ci test
Resolves issue #338
I opened this as a draft at this point, since I would like some feedback before finalizing things.
Is it doing what it's supposed to? 😄
Are there any other CI tests to include? (Eg. the sources listed in the issue mention chi-squared test and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Chi-squared is already included in the toolkit, but I don't know how well it integrates with the data types used by the WofE functions, and I didn't look into the latter at all.)
What would be a useful output from the function?
@jtpesone and @chudasama-bijal , have you had time to look at this and #355 ? I am busy with other EIS issues and would like to avoid having to wrap up these Wofe issues.
At this stage it should be sufficient to provide the Agterberg-Cheng CI test, implementation seems good to go.
Okay thanks @chudasama-bijal , then I'll proceed to merge this!