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Display a card for GitHub profile and repo in your hexo blog. Implemented with Github-cards
Display a card for GitHub profile and repo in your hexo blog. Implemented with Github-cards.
When I write a new blog post, sometimes I would like to include information of a GitHub repo or GitHub profile, and I want them to look nicely in my blog, not just a simple link.
Currently, there is a hexo plugin called hexo-github which can show a GitHub commit in your blog. However, I feel I don't really need to show a specific commit, but more general information such as the name of the repo, its description and its author.
Luckily, there is a repo called github-cards, which just suits my need well. Hence, I implement this simple plugin so that bloggers could include information on GitHub at ease.
You may find more about how I create the plugin by reading my blog post
npm install --save hexo-github-card
yarn add hexo-github-card
Insert githubCard
tag in your article:
{% githubCard user:your_user [repo:your_repo] [width:400] [height:200] [theme:default] [client_id:your_client_id] [client_secret:your_client_secret] [align:text-align_position] %}
Argument | Description |
user | GitHub user name |
repo | (Optional) GitHub repository name of the user. If omit then display only the user profile |
height | (Optional) Widget's height (in 'px'). Default is 200. |
width | (Optional) Widget's width (in 'px'). Default is 400. |
client_id | (Optional) Your GitHub app client_id |
client_secret | (Optional) Your GitHub app client_secret |
align | (Optional) What kind of text-align is you want. Default is center. |
(Configuration are consistent with github-cards)
Display user profile only
{% githubCard user:Gisonrg %}
Display a repo
{% githubCard user:Gisonrg repo:hexo-github-card %}
- May be a good idea to put the configuration in the
file. - github-cards is sometimes buggy. Probably I could fork it to create my own build.
@incomparable9527 for introducing key value (attr:value) attribute pair to support unordered attributes.