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Encouragement to develop polar coordinate functionalities
Hi, Thanks everyone for the great package! Coming from ggplot2, I'm really liking the flexibility of the API.
I just wanted to show support for further developing polar coordinate functionalities. In addition to being the most appropriate way of visualizing some ODE results, could be useful as the basis for additional geom functionalities like pie charts, spider/radar graphs, and rose plots (e.g., for wind roses). I know there are a lot of opinions about some of those geoms, but to me the draw (pun intended) of a package like Gadfly is the high-level abstraction that is flexible without all the messy details of other tools like D3. That is, let the user decide how to communicated to their audience with a minimum of opinion, as the user likely has a better idea of what their audience will find meaningful (even if the rest of us think it is junk). Just a thought.
Came across this image and thought the legend might be an interesting motivating example: