hugo-pipes-tailwind-3 icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
hugo-pipes-tailwind-3 copied to clipboard

This is an example of how to use TailwindCSS 3.0 using only Hugo pipes, no NPM Scripts

Steps to use TailwindCSS using only Hugo Pipes

  1. Make sure you have these npm dependencies installed
  • Hugo v0.92.0 (May work with older versions too, but not tested)
  • tailwindcss
  • postcss
  • postcss-cli
  • autoprefixer
  1. Run npx tailwindcss init -p to create a TailwindCSS and a PostCSS config file.
  2. Add this to your tailwind.config.js file:
        content: ['./layouts/**/*.html', './content/**/*.md']
  1. Run hugo or hugo server -D --watch to see the result

Read the full article here:
This already includes the proposed changes from @nnooney: