handscream icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
handscream copied to clipboard

Time and task Management


The TaskView project is being developed as a web application, which consists of both client and server-side components. The main development is done using Vue-3, ZXC_PHP, and PostgreSQL. You can install this application on your own servers.
Additionally, you can try out the application at https://taskview.handscream.com.
You can also participate in the development of the project.
All version will have next format v1.0.0-w (w - means web application)


Service for daily planning, aimed at achieving results. For personal affairs, work tasks and teamwork. www.handscream.com

Desktop app

This repository contains the TaskView app! At first, TaskView was developed with ElectronJS, but then I started developing TaskView with client-server architecture for browsers. Right now I am focusing on TaskView with client-server architecture.


In the App folder you can find TaskView with ElectronJS.

TaskView - web

APIServer - contains the server API for the TaskView spa client.
WebApp - contains a web application developed with NuxtJS and Vuetify.

TaskViewWeb work in progress.


Main workspace

See more information in Wiki

If you have any question or a bug report please open a Issue

Team LF

I am looking for designer to my project for future development!
The main goal of this project is easy project management and time control.
Now available only desktop version, server side and mobile version coming soon.

If you can create beautiful interface or you are interested with you are welcome!
Write PM or to email [email protected].

How to add a new translation

  1. Translate one of the existing files in locale folder

    • Don't change the keys!
    • Example:
      • en.js "selectDatabaseFile": "Select database file",
      • ru.js "selectDatabaseFile": "Выберите файл базы данных",
  2. Save your file with the language code according to ISO 639-1

    • http://www.mathguide.de/info/tools/languagecode.html
      • eg: Languages/en.json
      • eg: Languages/ru.json
  3. Make a pull request.

Thanks for the help


TaskView use better-sqlite3 for storage see sql diagram before start

Build Setup

An electron-vue project

# install dependencies
npm install

# add config file task_view.app.conf.ts and export let notarizeConfig
# notarizeConfig has next property [appBundleId: sting, appPath: string, appleId: string, appleIdPassword: string] 
# all property is required for app notarize in MacOS 

# serve with hot reload at localhost:9080
npm run dev

# build electron application for production
npm run build

# run unit & end-to-end tests
npm test

# lint all JS/Vue component files in `src/`
npm run lint

Windows build

Required software

  • install NodeJS >= 10.16.3
  • install Python 2.7.1.
  • npm install --vs2015 -g windows-build-tools
  • npm run build

Clear cache MAC OS

  • Remove dir /Users/{user}/Library/Application Support/{yourElectronApp}/Cache

This project was generated with electron-vue using vue-cli. Documentation about the original structure can be found here.