1541ultimate copied to clipboard
C64 Games System cartridge, not working. (Regular 513KB version)
Does Ultimate support [c64gs.crt]? (International Soccer, Flimbo's Quest, Klax and Fiendish Freddy) I couldn't launch any game from it. On version fw3.10a neither starts either. I don't remember if it worked in emulation on U2+, because I have my real cartridge. I downloaded the image from here: http://www.mayhem64.co.uk/commodore.htm
I did revert back to fw3.9 then c64gs work :o
on 3.10c was working fine. I didn't tested on 3.10f
on 3.10c was working fine. I didn't tested on 3.10f
I can't connect the Ultimate64 via Expansion to a real C64 to check 3.10c ;))
The c64gs_easyflash.crt version from the CSDB works on fw3.10f The EF version is 1MB and the regular version is 0.5MB Thanks @0kti for the tip.