photoshopCClinux copied to clipboard
error: sorry something went wrong during download photoshopCC-V19.1.6-2018x64.tgz
please give me a solution
Working through that myself, it looks like the file is downloaded from:
The download constantly errors out, so I am downloading it with something that supports "resuming" downloads.
Then once I have the whole thing my plan is to stick it into the folder it is failing to download into, and then probably comment out line#103 in scripts/ (Looks like that line will over-write my manual download) and see if that works.
File goes into: ~/.cache/photoshopCCV19
Actually, a better fix is described here:
curl: (18) transfer closed with 1016264403 bytes remaining to read md5 is not match
downloading photoshopCC-V19.1.6-2018x64.tgz ...
using curl to download photoshopCC-V19.1.6-2018x64.tgz
how can I solve this
the link to download manually isn't working anymore? can anyone help?
the link to download manually isn't working anymore? can anyone help?
+1 doesn't work for me either
what is the solution for the problem
The download link is dead. Has anyone tried manually downloading from a different source?
this working fine!
#!/usr/bin/env bash source ""
function main() {
mkdir -p $SCR_PATH
mkdir -p $CACHE_PATH
setup_log "================| script executed |================"
#make sure wine and winetricks package is already installed
package_installed wine
package_installed wine64
package_installed md5sum
package_installed winetricks
#create new wine prefix for photoshop
rmdir_if_exist $WINE_PREFIX
#export necessary variable for wine
#config wine prefix and install mono and gecko automatic
echo -e "\033[1;93mplease install mono and gecko packages then click on OK button, do not change Windows version from Windows 7\e[0m"
winecfg 2> "$SCR_PATH/wine-error.log"
if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
show_message "prefix configured..."
sleep 5
error "prefix config failed :("
sleep 5
if [ -f "$WINE_PREFIX/user.reg" ];then
#add dark mod
error "user.reg Not Found :("
#create resources directory
rmdir_if_exist $RESOURCES_PATH
# winetricks atmlib corefonts fontsmooth=rgb gdiplus vcrun2008 vcrun2010 vcrun2012 vcrun2013 vcrun2015 atmlib msxml3 msxml6 gdiplus
winetricks atmlib fontsmooth=rgb vcrun2008 vcrun2010 vcrun2012 vcrun2013 atmlib msxml3 msxml6
#install photoshop
sleep 3
sleep 5
if [ -d $RESOURCES_PATH ];then
show_message "deleting resources folder"
error "resources folder Not Found"
show_message "\033[1;33mwhen you run photoshop for the first time it may take a while\e[0m"
show_message "Almost finished..."
sleep 30
function replacement() { local filename="replacement.tgz" local filemd5="6441a8e77c082897a99c2b7b588c9ac4" local filelink="" local filepath="$CACHE_PATH/$filename"
download_component $filepath $filemd5 $filelink $filename
mkdir "$RESOURCES_PATH/replacement"
show_message "extract replacement component..."
tar -xzf $filepath -C "$RESOURCES_PATH/replacement"
local replacefiles=("IconResources.idx" "PSIconsHighRes.dat" "PSIconsLowRes.dat")
local destpath="$WINE_PREFIX/drive_c/users/$USER/PhotoshopSE/Resources"
for f in "${replacefiles[@]}";do
local sourcepath="$RESOURCES_PATH/replacement/$f"
cp -f "$sourcepath" "$destpath" || error "cant copy replacement $f file..."
show_message "replace component compeleted..."
unset filename filemd5 filelink filepath
function install_photoshopSE() { local filename="photoshopCC-V19.1.6-2018x64.tgz" local filemd5="b63f6ed690343ee12b6195424f94c33f" local filelink="" # local filelink="" local filepath="$CACHE_PATH/$filename"
download_component $filepath $filemd5 $filelink $filename
mkdir "$RESOURCES_PATH/photoshopCC"
show_message "extract photoshop..."
tar -xzf "$filepath" -C "$RESOURCES_PATH/photoshopCC"
echo "===============| photoshop CC v19 |===============" >> "$SCR_PATH/wine-error.log"
show_message "install photoshop..."
show_message "\033[1;33mPlease don't change default Destination Folder\e[0m"
wine64 "$RESOURCES_PATH/photoshopCC/photoshop_cc.exe" &>> "$SCR_PATH/wine-error.log" || error "sorry something went wrong during photoshop installation"
show_message "removing useless helper.exe plugin to avoid errors"
rm "$WINE_PREFIX/drive_c/users/$USER/PhotoshopSE/Required/Plug-ins/Spaces/Adobe Spaces Helper.exe"
notify-send "Photoshop CC" "photoshop installed successfully" -i "photoshop"
show_message "photoshopCC V19 x64 installed..."
unset filename filemd5 filelink filepath
check_arg $@ save_paths main
Download it from:
@joel-alamillo can you give us the link of replacement.tgz please and thank you for photoshop file
after downloaded from google drive, I installed directly using play on linux
thank you it works i comment the function replacement