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Performance drop when using Scikit-learn
When training Scikit-learn models I noticed that the code finishes significantly faster in a normal cell. When running the same function in a JupyterDash app, it takes up to 20% more time to finish.
I tested it with the random forest regression and support vector regression models using multiprocessing. Can JupyterDash not use multiprocessing? Or does a regular codecell in a notebook have more resources than the code run within a JupyterDash app?
Are you running the code inside a callback?
There is nothing special about JupyterDash although it does add a listener onto a port for the dash callbacks; this is on the (default) asyncio event loop. I don't know if Scikit-learn changes or modifies this at all.
Are you in a position to share an example?
The function that runs the training of the model is declared outside of the app. It is called however from within a callback. I will try to provide an example but have to redact some info due to a NDA with my workplace
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
import multiprocessing
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
def forestTrainer(amount):
t1 = datetime.now()
model = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=amount)
def trainPeriod period(i):
test_predict = model.predict(test_data)
return mean_absolute_error(test_data)
num_cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
scores = Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores)(delayed(trainPeriod)(i) for i in range(1,len(data))
t2 = datetime.now()-t1
return ("The average MAE over all experiments is {}, time is {}".format(round((float(sum(scores))/len(scores)),2), t2))
When used in JupyterDash, I call the function like this
def update_output(n_clicks):
if n_clicks is None:
raise PreventUpdate
return forestTrainer(amount)
The multiprocessing module uses separate processes to do the calculation. I don't know to what extent this is affected by how you call it.
As a test, are you also able to measure the relative calc times if you dont use the muiltiprocessing Parallel feature?