Session copied to clipboard
PHP Session Manager (non-blocking, flash, segment, session encryption)
Session PHP(7.4+)
PHP Session Manager (non-blocking, flash, segment, session encryption). Uses PHP open_ssl for optional encrypt/decryption of session data.
Driver support Scope
You can download the Latest release version as a standalone, alternatively you can use Composer
composer require ghostff/session
Basic usage
# Start session with default configurations.
$session = new Session();
$session->set('email', '[email protected]');
echo $session->get('email');
Configuration Options
# use custom configuration file.
# overriding specific configuration settings
Session::CONFIG_DRIVER => Redis::class,
# override a configuration for current session instance
$session = new Session([Session::CONFIG_ENCRYPT_DATA => true]);
Initializing Session
# Start session with an auto generated id.
$session = new Session();
# Start session with custom ID
$session = new Session(null, bin2hex(random_bytes(32)));
Using Segment :Session
$segment = $session->segment('my_segment');
Retrieving Session ID :string
echo $session->id();
Committing changes :void
# Opens, writes and closes session.
Setting Session Data :Session
$session->set('fname', 'foo');
# Setting Segment
$segment->set('name', 'bar');
# Setting Flash
$session->setFlash('name', 'foobar');
# Setting Segment Flash
$segment->setFlash('name', 'barfoo');
Retrieving Session Data :mixed
echo $session->get('name'); # outputs foo
echo $session->getOrDefault('unset_value', 'not found'); # outputs not found
# Retrieving Segment
echo $segment->get('name'); # outputs bar
echo $segment->getOrDefault('unset_value', 'not found'); # outputs not found
# Retrieving Flash
echo $session->getFlash('name'); # outputs foobar
echo $session->getFlashOrDefault('name', 'not found'); # outputs not found
# Retrieving Segment Flash
echo $segment->getFlash('name'); # outputs barfoo
echo $segment->getFlashOrDefault('name', 'not found'); # outputs not found
Removing Session Data :Session
# Removing Segment
# Removing Flash
# Removing Segment Flash
Retrieve all session or segment data :array
# Retrieve only in specified segment.
Check if variable exist in current session namespace :bool
# Search flashes
$session->exist('name', true);
Removing all data in current segment :Session
Destroying session :void
Regenerate session ID :void
# Delete the old associated session file or not
Setting Queued Session Data :Session
$session->push('age', 10)
->push('age', 20)
->push('age', 30)
->push('age', 40);
Retrieving (pop/shift) Queued Session Data :mixed
echo $session->pop('age', true); # outputs 10
echo $session->pop('age', true); # outputs 20
echo $session->pop('age'); # outputs 40
echo $session->pop('age'); # outputs 30