Shepherd copied to clipboard
A Django application to help red team operators manage a library of domain names
Bluecoat recently modified their website, and as a consequence the method to fetch the data changed. They added an XSRF token. There might be a way to modify the script...
dockerized the application
This is more a question than an issue. In the checkout form the start date is a required field. But when the History instance is created, it is forced...
The client field in the Checkout form is a free text area. Is there a reason it is not a ModelChoiceField like the Project Type to select from the...
This is a proposition to fix #18
This commit Fix #16
There is an error when on tries to delete a domain. ``` Internal Server Error: /admin/catalog/domain/ ... File "/opt/Shepherd/catalog/", line 193, in __str__ return f'{self.client} {self.project.project_type} - {} ({self.activitytype.activity}) {self.start_date}...
When importing domains using the import csv feature, the following error appears when domains have the same registrar as a pre-existing domains `Issue processing data for '': IntegrityError('UNIQUE constraint failed:...
The application fails to update domain categories when it is tracking a unicode domain. The following error is displayed in the console: ``` [+] Starting update of $UNICODE_DOMAIN 20:01:16 [Q]...
This PR fixes issues #5 and #6 #5: Registrar is marked as non-mandatory in the DB #6: Values that can be null in the data model now can be blank...