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✔️❌ commitlint-jira checks if your commit messages meet the Jira conventional commit format.

Results 8 commitlint-jira issues
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Hello, I am wondering if this repository is still maintained. I hope so, because I wanted ask if you could support JIRA IDs at the end or even at second...

This package is not compatible with `cz-conventional-changelog-with-jira` or `@digitalroute/cz-conventional-changelog-for-jira`. Is the a way to befried them?

Bumps [elliptic]( from 6.5.1 to 6.5.3. Commits 8647803 6.5.3 856fe4d signature: prevent malleability and overflows 6048941 6.5.2 9984964 package: bump dependencies ec735ed utils: leak less information in getNAF() See full...


Bumps [elliptic]( from 6.5.1 to 6.5.3. Commits 8647803 6.5.3 856fe4d signature: prevent malleability and overflows 6048941 6.5.2 9984964 package: bump dependencies ec735ed utils: leak less information in getNAF() See full...


Bumps [https-proxy-agent]( from 2.2.2 to 2.2.4. Release notes Sourced from https-proxy-agent's releases. 2.2.4 Patches Add .editorconfig file: a0d4a20458498fc31e5721471bd2b655e992d44b Add .eslintrc.js file: eecea74a1db1c943eaa4f667a561fd47c33da897 Use a net.Socket instead of a plain EventEmitter...


The basic Jira Smart Commits syntax is: ``` # ``` [Conventional Commits]( syntax is: ``` [scope]: ``` In fact both formats are compatible, there are even Comittizen plugins that support...

Hello, I have found that overriding `subject-case` with `[2, "always", "sentence-case"]` no errors are reported. For example, ``` git commit -m "EX-12: subject case" -- should throw error git commit...