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Feature Request: /fop & /fdeop
what is that?
this is a op command for Floodgate Players. it provides an op command that adds Floodgate Players to ops.json
Why Is this Neccessary
when i was running 1.19.1(2) server, i found that op command can op the Players that never joined my server, and the ops.json will not get affected by that. at 1.18.2 i can't op the Players that never joined my server.
so, since Geyser-Spigot and Floodgate are updated to 1.19.1(2)+ and many server upgrades to it, i think this would be Nice Addition to the one who wants to give Op Permissions to the Bedrock Players that never joined their server. in fact, that's me, i always get freaked out when i modify ops.json to give Bedrock Players that never joined my server OP,
because it always resets when i do that. 😨
Command Example:
>fop LarnerA
Made .LarnerA a Server Operator
>fdeop LarnerA
Made .LarnerA no longer a Server Operator
For Linked People(#2)
>fop wasabiBOBBY9288
Made .wasabiBOBBY9288, linked with fardaccount69 a Server Operator
>fdeop wasabiBOBBY9288
Made .wasabiBOBBY9288, linked with fardaccount69 no longer Server Operator
This is Like fwhitelist but as a op and deop. i wished there was a command that handles Bedrock Players Becoming an op Without joining my server. because i am afraid of ops.json getting reset when i add bedrock players