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Hybrid mode plugin to allow for connections from Geyser to join online mode servers.

Results 72 Floodgate issues
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### Describe the bug The server is constantly spamming the console chat with various player profiles with the following error: [17:56:20 WARN]: Couldn't look up profile properties for com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@6a736d2e[id=00000000-0000-0000-0009-01fd43ae45cf,name=.E1ectroxity,properties={},legacy=false] java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:...


On Velocity, using GeyserMC combined with floodgate on ``dev`` branch _(https://ci.opencollab.dev/job/GeyserMC/job/Floodgate/job/development/7/)_, plugin fails to load and throws this error: https://paste.domicraft.fr/sizujezigu.sql _I'm aware of this being on an unstable branch, but...

### What feature do you want to see added? At the moment, the Floodgate API is deployed as a SNAPSHOT version to the maven repository. For example, `2.0-SNAPSHOT` Snapshot versions...


## Summary After registering an Asynchronous Packet Handler for the START type with ProtocolLib, Floodgate name prefixes won't be present. If I make the handler Synchronous or register another type...


When applying skins to Floodgate players there is a chance of overwriting a skin that another plugin intentionally applied. With this change, all SkinAppliers now check to make sure a...

**Describe the bug** I have a Bungeecord and Spigot servers with Floodgate installed on. When I send cumulus forms to player and trying to get a response the following exception...


When I play on Java with a Friend who has Bedrock and we play through Floodgate, sometimes his Skin is not visible (keep in mind it's not a traditional skin...

# Describe the bug: Bedrock skins from purchased skin packs, as well as made with custom parts, appear "corrupted" when viewed both by the client using the skin and by...

Floodgate-spigot isnt getting disabled on server stop When an player attempted to join, it just make some errors `[00:22:38 INFO]: Disconnecting / An internal error happened while handling Floodgate data....


I'm running geyser and floodgate as plugins for [velocity](https://velocitypowered.com). I run minecraft 1.18.2 using the newest stable geyser and floodgate and velocity snapshot for 1.18.2 support. When having player linking...