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New editor stylesheet

Open paaljoachim opened this issue 6 years ago • 3 comments


Regarding this issue:

Beans existing editor stylesheet: beans-default-editor-stylesheet

Twenty Sixteen Editor Stylesheet: twenty-sixteen-stylesheet

The Twenty Sixteen editor stylesheet looks a lot better then the default Beans editor stylesheet. It would be good to change the default Beans editor stylesheet.

paaljoachim avatar Sep 03 '18 15:09 paaljoachim

Thank you for opening the issue, @paaljoachim.

My first thought would be to wait for Gutenberg but if anybody wants to work on this in the meantime, please go ahead.

christophherr avatar Sep 10 '18 01:09 christophherr

Yeah we might as well just wait for Gutenberg. I wrote a tutorial for this as well..:)

paaljoachim avatar Sep 10 '18 07:09 paaljoachim

What is connected to the editor styles?

Would it be possible to just copy paste the eg Twenty Sixteen style sheet? Or otherwise check a couple of ready existing ones and pull the best in?

ibes avatar Sep 27 '18 00:09 ibes