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BB Press template

Open paaljoachim opened this issue 6 years ago • 7 comments

Quite some time ago a few people asked about getting a hold of the BB Press template. Is this something that someone could extract and give to the community?

paaljoachim avatar Apr 27 '18 23:04 paaljoachim

This would be awesome, but sounds like a plugin.
Most people won't need it so having it separate will help avoid bloating the theme.

gedaly avatar Jun 06 '18 20:06 gedaly

I don't need that feature but I am interested in the problem.

Yes, I also think that should be a plugin. I could also be some second repository for copy-paste the files or embed the files via git submodule / git subtree.

Nicer would be a plugin.

Similar use case would be WooCommerce (I am not really sure, if that is write - as WooCommerce is super easy to hook - so no changes in the HTML would be needed).

If you want to overwrite templates, they should be introduced in the template hierarchy, I guess. This seems like a thing, that is possible:

Further ideas?

ibes avatar Jun 20 '18 19:06 ibes

I'd propose that a plugin be built for converting bbPress templates over to the Beans architecture. Genesis has a similar type of plugin for WooCommerce that's called Genesis Connect for WooCommerce.

I propose that we create a Beans Connect for bbPress and Beans Connect for WooCommerce. Then everyone would have access to this community plugin.

What do you guys think?

hellofromtonya avatar Jun 20 '18 21:06 hellofromtonya

Thinking about #51 that can end up in a lot of plugins.

What do you think about creating solutions that could be:

  • used as regular WP plugins
  • composer requirements
  • maybe something like git submodules / git subtrees

Hm - I guess I am mostly speaking out of the: "don't have too many plugins" mindset. But I am quite sure that the number of plugins has not in reality much speed implications. It's rather the fact that poorly programmed plugins add up problems. So more plugins add up more problems.

ibes avatar Jun 20 '18 22:06 ibes

The idea is to have multiple plugins allowing people to pick the components that they need on their project while also serving non-developers too.

Imagine a site owner, implementer, or non-developer who has a Beans-powered website. They have a Beans child theme that someone designed for them or they bought. But now they want to add a forum and/or WooCommerce.

To make it really easy for them, they can grab the right Beans Connect plugin out of the WordPress repository. Bam, they are now connected.

Yes, a site can have lots of plugins. That's perfectly fine when the plugins are small and purposeful.

hellofromtonya avatar Jun 20 '18 22:06 hellofromtonya

Beans for WooCommerce connect would be amazing, I did work on a project that had this installed, that added some data-markup-ids to the templates but obviously that was quite a while ago

carlaiau avatar Jul 24 '18 11:07 carlaiau

I am just going to add this forum issue into it which mentions the BBPress profile page:

paaljoachim avatar Aug 03 '18 06:08 paaljoachim