accessible-inclusive-ios-animations icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
accessible-inclusive-ios-animations copied to clipboard

Provide ways to limit animations/motion people find jarring in your apps. This repo demonstrates accessible and inclusive iOS animations/motion with practical examples and best practices.


Inspirational and Fine-grained iOS Animations Built With SwiftUI. Check the Gists to see how they are built.

Realistic Chain: Swift file

Realistic Chain

Chat Emojis: Swift file

Chat Emojis

Draggable Menu ( Inapired by Hackingwithswift): Swift file

Draggable Menu

SwiftUI: Heart Rate Measuring Animation Gist

Heart Rate Measuring

SwiftUI Marching Ants Effect Gist

SwiftUI Marching Ants Effect

Spring Animation: Transition a menu icon to a close icon Gist

SwiftUI Chat Micro-interactions with Spring Animation

SwiftUI Chat Micro-interactions with Spring Animation Gist

SwiftUI Chat Micro-interactions with Spring Animation

Empty Chat Animation Gist

Empty Chat Animation

SwiftUI Path Trimming Animation for Custom Paths Gist

SwiftUI Path Trimming Animation for Custom Paths

SwiftUI Animated Typing Indicators with 7 Variants Download the project

Empty Chat Animation

Group Live Stream Animations Gist

Empty Chat Animation

iMessage-like Balloons Screen Effect Gist

Balloons Screen Effect

Confetti Screen Effect Gist

Confetti Screen Effect

Love Screen Effect Gist

Love Screen Effect

Fireworks Screen Effect Gist

Fireworks Screen Effect

Celebration Screen Effect Gist

Celebration Screen Effect

Combined Screen Effects

Balloons and Confetti

Balloons and Confetti

Balloons and Confetti from Edges

Balloons and Confetti from Edges

Balloons and Celebration

Balloons and Celebration

Balloons, Celebration, and Fireworks

Balloons, Celebration and Fireworks

Balloons and Love

Balloons and Love

Celebration, Confetti, and Love

Confetti and Fireworks

Confetti and Fireworks

Confetti and Fireworks

Logo Animation Gist

Logo Animation

Stream Logo Animation Gist

Logo Animation