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scatter.requestTransfer not sending custom tokens
When sending an alternative token besides EOS that is EOS based, the token still defaults to EOS. Unsure if this is supported or if bug.
tokenAmount = "1";
const tokenDetails = {contract: "publytoken11", symbol:"PUB", memo:"whatever", decimals:4};
scatter.requestTransfer(network, 'tipitaccount', tokenAmount, tokenDetails).then(result => {
console.log('result', result);
I was able to use eosjs w/ scatter to get the tokens to transfer, so my end of it's good to go, but I was curious if there were plans to support this in the future as it would be much simpler.
Agree with @BenAlthauser , UI for requestTransfer is much simpler than transaction confirmation which we use to make transfers between accounts of our sidechain. But for now I get "symbol precision mismatch" error when trying to request transfer.
I have the same issue. So, I use eos.js. It's working.
actions: [
account: 'account_name',
name: 'transfer',
authorization: [
permission: account.authority
data: {
from: from,
to: to',
quantity: '0.0001 SYS',
memo: ''