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Timing is inaccurate

Open nh2 opened this issue 9 years ago • 0 comments

I found two problems with the way kfusion measures how long the individual kernels take:

  • Use of return double(std::clock())/CLOCKS_PER_SEC

This is not an atomic clock, and worse it depends on the CPU activity. Changing it to

struct timespec clockData;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &clockData);
return (double) clockData.tv_sec + clockData.tv_nsec / 1000000000.0;

makes the timing more accurate, and also shows that kfusion is around 10% faster than measured with the old way.

  • CUDA kernels are asynchronous. Timing information can really only be measured after cudaDeviceSynchronize(), but kfusion doesn't do that in many places (apart from the total time, which consequently is correct). Adding it before each Stats.sample fixes that, and and changes my measurement for integrate from 0.00* milliseconds to 3.* milliseconds, which makes a lot of sense.

Note though that cudaDeviceSynchronize() can slow things sometimes, but hasn't done so in my measurements.

nh2 avatar Aug 29 '15 18:08 nh2