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Marriage Teleportation Glitch
Environment information
##### Start Marriage Master version info #####
[INFO]: Marriage Master: 2.6.7-Release
[INFO]: Server: git-Purpur-1845 (MC: 1.19.2)
[INFO]: Java: 19.0.1
[INFO]: PlaceholderAPI: 2.11.2
##### End Marriage Master version info #####
Online mode: False BungeeCord: No
Plugin config
Delay: false
# Time in seconds
DelayTime: 1
# List of worlds where you can't teleport to
BlacklistedWorlds: [ BossArena ]
# This option controls whether a safety check is performed before the player is teleported.
CheckSafety: true
# If this option is enabled the partner has to accept the teleport request before the player will be teleported. Only applicable for teleporting to another player.
RequireConfirmation: false
When standing under a Trap Door
and your partner teleports, it will teleport them below the block. This lets players glitch under places they are not meant to go.
Steps to reproduce
- Place a block 3 blocks above the ground.
- Stand on that block
- Place a trap door above your head (the second block above that block)
When your partner teleports they will be teleported below.
Potential fixes Like other plugins that use teleport commands, there could be a section in the config that blacklists blocks. So If I add trap door, a player cannot be standing in a trapdoor when a player teleports to them.
Another option, probably the best, would be to not teleport them to the exact position. If you are unable to: tell the player they are standing in a bad place ect. This could also be a config option.
This build adds the FindSafeLocation
config option.