Geobert Quach

Results 124 comments of Geobert Quach

I'm really interested in this subject as I'm quite new to ECS, trying to get the gist of it. Filtering out drafts will make previewing our post harder, won't it?...

Other systems:  * Generate RSS * Copy assets? * Syntax highlighting? Later: * Shortcode processing What are the Components and The Entities?

Shall this manage dead page as well? Example: an tag-indexed page with only 1 post, this tag get removed from this post = this tag-indexed page should be deleted.

Because you said: > It gives build-time validation that your links are valid. But I might misinterpreting here ^^'

I see! So the only way at the moment, is to delete `_site` and build again?

Why not an incremental `build` as well? I can't think of a use case where the user want to keep stray files: files in `_site` that don't have their `src`...

Oh, mixing generator, I could never think of that! Thanks! ^^ As for keeping state, I was imagining some kind of database to keep track of the generated stuff like...

Thanks for the pointers. So, if this was to be done by Cobalt, it only needs to generate document index for whatever search engine the user want? Am I right?

Does it worth it when seeing booyaa's solution?

After trying to apply booyaa's method, I discover that it's better to have a pre-built index for lunr for performance. But the method given by lunr use node to run...