Geobert Quach
Geobert Quach
It is true that at the beginning, I only wanted to provide a way to have a `per_page` attributes of some kind in order to limit the number of posts...
"Paginated indexation"?
"Indexation"? So we change `paginator` to `indexator`? But having fields like `indexes`, `index`… can be confusing, can't it?
When reading: It really feels that our feature is doing the same. The only thing is that we support Date, and some of them support pagination...
Can you develop what kind of plugins? On the language, I'd vote for Rhai, because Rust. And I have bad past experience with Lua (I don't know if it's still...
I see :) (Even if for shortcodes, I have something in antimoine to load custom shortcode, so they're easier to write, but maybe plugins is a better way?)
- antimoine: french for antimony, one element of the metal used by Gutenberg in his press. English word taken by another Rust project which seems abandonned (no activity since 2017)....
I like both, if you have a preference, go for it, you're the captain here :D
> No one knows the meaning behind your suggestions either and they don't have much to do with Cobalt. At least, the suggestions have some meaning if you care to...
Isn't this part of ?