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Is it possible to convert more features to RDF along with geographic information by using TripleGeo?
Dear all,
I have converted shape file(.shp file) using tripleGeo tools. There are different shape files types(POINT, LINE, POLYGON).
For point type .shp file, it converted coordinates to RDF as shown below for point 42. But shape file also contain other features ( attributes seen using qgis tool) like name, airportID, class etc. Is it possible to convert other features as well like POINT long, lat, features. a sf:Point ; geo:asWKT "POINT (80.58499844842123 29.859203481982888)"^^geo:wktLiteral . a , geontology:Feature , ; "42"@en ; "featureWithoutName"@en ;
geo:hasGeometry .
For line type and polygon type .shp files, I have same issue. there is also other attributes like POLOY1, POLY2 etc. and if possible, I want to convert them to RDF as well. a sf:LineString ; geo:asWKT "LINESTRING (82.37655639648438 28.477615356445312, 82.37582397460938 28.47881507873535, 82.3741226196289 28.483083724975586, 82.37492370605469 28.485795974731445, 82.37882995605469 28.488542556762695, 82.3797836303711 28.485862731933594, 82.38086700439453 28.48341178894043, 82.38408660888672 28.480989456176758, 82.38350677490234 28.476743698120117, 82.38198852539062 28.474708557128906, 82.37899017333984 28.475643157958984, 82.3770751953125 28.477397918701172, 82.37655639648438 28.477615356445312)"^^geo:wktLiteral . a , geontology:Feature , ; "878"@en ; "featureWithoutName"@en ;
geo:hasGeometry .
Is there any way can we can convert others attributes besides coordinates to RDF as well?
Kind Regards, Suresh Pokharel
Saresh, thanks a lot for your feedback.
The current version of TripleGeo is intended to handle mainly geographic information. That's why, it can only support very few other attributes (i.e., identifiers, class, name). Support for more such attributes (i.e., non-spatial data columns) is among our plans for a future release, hopefully in a few months.
Regarding your second question, do all these POLY1, POLY2, etc. attributes contain geometries? TripleGeo can handle only one geometric column, which can be point, linestring, or polygon. As far as we know, this is the rule in most systems (both DBMS and GIS). Having more than one geographic representations for the same entity is rarely the practice in industry. Thus, we do not intend to support more than one geometric columns per file.
just want to ask, for the class and name parameters, do they read only text/string data type? and for ignore parameters, why do we set it UNK? does it mean unknown? Im sorry, but i really don't understand about that. Then, based on what u say, that TripleGeo can handle only one geometric column but how about the the different column of coordinates that have latitude and longitude columns?
TQ in advance for answering my questions.. ;-)