ZECMiner copied to clipboard
NVIDIA GeForce GT610 ... zec#0: 0.0S/s zec#0: 0.0S/s zec#0: 0.0S/s ... zec#0clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(-48) zec#0clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(-48) zec#0clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(-48) ...
Radeon HD7950 3Gb (Tahiti)
No error, just zec#0: 0.0S/s total: 0.0S/s
For v0.3.1:
I use tunneling, so connecting to localhost:2142 :
==main========================== genoil-zec-miner-0.3.1>genoil.exe -c localhost:2142 -u zenbooster.censored -p censored -P 0 -g 0 -i 13
Genoil's ZEC miner - version 0.3
based on (early) Tromp solver
made possible by John, ocminer (suprnova), feeleep (coinmine.pl) and 110GH group
thanks for your donation! BTC: 1Nu2fMCEBjmnLzqb8qUJpKgq5RoEWFhNcW ETH: 0xeb9310b185455f863f526dab3d245809f6854b4d ZEC: ???
Using OpenCL platform: NVIDIA CUDA gpu#0: GeForce GT 610 zec#0 compiling kernels/zec.cl... zec#0 compiling kernels/zec.cl... zec#0: 0.0S/s zconn Connecting to localhost:2142total: 0.0S/s
zec#0 writing binary kernels/cache/zec-GeForce GT 610-128.binzec#0 writing binary kernels/cache/zec-GeForce GT 610-128.bin
zec#0 initialized. zec#0 initialized. zec#0 Mining thread quitzec#0 Mining thread quitzconn Connected! zconn subscribed zconn authorized worker zenbooster.censored zconn subscribed zconn received new job #23 zconn received new job #24 zec#0: 0.0S/s total: 0.0S/s zec#0: 0.0S/s total: 0.0S/s zec#0: 0.0S/s total: 0.0S/s ...
==te-1========================== genoil-zec-miner-0.3.1>genoil-te-1.exe -c localhost:2142 -u zenbooster.censored -p censored -P 0 -g 0 -i 13
Genoil's ZEC miner - trial & error release!
based on (early) Tromp solver
made possible by John, ocminer (suprnova), feeleep (coinmine.pl) and 110GH group
thanks for your donation! BTC: 1Nu2fMCEBjmnLzqb8qUJpKgq5RoEWFhNcW ETH: 0xeb9310b185455f863f526dab3d245809f6854b4d ZEC: ???
If this doesn't pass, I will eat my shoe.
==te-2========================== genoil-zec-miner-0.3.1>genoil-te-2.exe -c localhost:2142 -u zenbooster.censored -p censored -P 0 -g 0 -i 13
Genoil's ZEC miner - trial & error release!
based on (early) Tromp solver
made possible by John, ocminer (suprnova), feeleep (coinmine.pl) and 110GH group
thanks for your donation! BTC: 1Nu2fMCEBjmnLzqb8qUJpKgq5RoEWFhNcW ETH: 0xeb9310b185455f863f526dab3d245809f6854b4d ZEC: ???
If this doesn't pass, I will never use boost again
==te-3========================== genoil-zec-miner-0.3.1>genoil-te-3.exe -c localhost:2142 -u zenbooster.censored -p censored -P 0 -g 0 -i 13
Genoil's ZEC miner - trial & error release!
based on (early) Tromp solver
made possible by John, ocminer (suprnova), feeleep (coinmine.pl) and 110GH group
thanks for your donation! BTC: 1Nu2fMCEBjmnLzqb8qUJpKgq5RoEWFhNcW ETH: 0xeb9310b185455f863f526dab3d245809f6854b4d ZEC: ???
Using OpenCL platform: NVIDIA CUDA gpu#0: GeForce GT 610 Ok at least OpenCL finds your GPUs
==te-4========================== genoil-zec-miner-0.3.1>genoil-te-4.exe -c localhost:2142 -u zenbooster.censored -p censored -P 0 -g 0 -i 13
Genoil's ZEC miner - trial & error release!
based on (early) Tromp solver
made possible by John, ocminer (suprnova), feeleep (coinmine.pl) and 110GH group
thanks for your donation! BTC: 1Nu2fMCEBjmnLzqb8qUJpKgq5RoEWFhNcW ETH: 0xeb9310b185455f863f526dab3d245809f6854b4d ZEC: ???
Using OpenCL platform: NVIDIA CUDA gpu#0: GeForce GT 610 : 0.0S/s zconn Connecting to localhost:2142total: 0.0S/s
zconn Connected! zconn subscribed zconn authorized worker zenbooster.censored zconn subscribed zconn received new job #27 : 0.0S/s total: 0.0S/s : 0.0S/s total: 0.0S/s : 0.0S/s total: 0.0S/s : 0.0S/s total: 0.0S/s zconn received new job #28 : 0.0S/s total: 0.0S/s : 0.0S/s total: 0.0S/s : 0.0S/s total: 0.0S/s : 0.0S/s total: 0.0S/s
==te-5========================== genoil-zec-miner-0.3.1>genoil-te-5.exe -c localhost:2142 -u zenbooster.censored -p censored -P 0 -g 0 -i 13
Genoil's ZEC miner - trial & error release!
based on (early) Tromp solver
made possible by John, ocminer (suprnova), feeleep (coinmine.pl) and 110GH group
thanks for your donation! BTC: 1Nu2fMCEBjmnLzqb8qUJpKgq5RoEWFhNcW ETH: 0xeb9310b185455f863f526dab3d245809f6854b4d ZEC: ???
Using OpenCL platform: NVIDIA CUDA gpu#0: GeForce GT 610 zec#0 loading binary kernels/cache/zec-GeForce GT 610-128.bin zec#0 loading binary kernels/cache/zec-GeForce GT 610-128.bin zconn Connecting to localhost:2142zec#0: 0.0S/s total: 0.0S/s zconn Connected! zconn subscribed zconn authorized worker zenbooster.censored zconn subscribed zconn received new job #214 zec#0: 0.0S/s total: 0.0S/s zec#0: 0.0S/s total: 0.0S/s zec#0: 0.0S/s total: 0.0S/s zec#0: 0.0S/s total: 0.0S/s zec#0: 0.0S/s total: 0.0S/s zec#0: 0.0S/s total: 0.0S/s zec#0: 0.0S/s total: 0.0S/s zec#0: 0.0S/s total: 0.0S/s
==te-6========================== genoil-zec-miner-0.3.1>genoil-te-6.exe -c localhost:2142 -u zenbooster.censored -p censored -P 0 -g 0 -i 13
Genoil's ZEC miner - trial & error release!
based on (early) Tromp solver
made possible by John, ocminer (suprnova), feeleep (coinmine.pl) and 110GH group
thanks for your donation! BTC: 1Nu2fMCEBjmnLzqb8qUJpKgq5RoEWFhNcW ETH: 0xeb9310b185455f863f526dab3d245809f6854b4d ZEC: ???
Using OpenCL platform: NVIDIA CUDA gpu#0: GeForce GT 610 zec#0 loading binary kernels/cache/zec-GeForce GT 610-128.bin zec#0clEnqueueFillBuffer(-59) zec#0 initialized.zec#0 loading binary kernels/cache/zec-GeForce GT 610-128.bin zec#0: 0.0S/s zconn Connecting to localhost:2142total: 0.0S/s
zec#0clEnqueueFillBuffer(-59) zec#0 initialized.zec#0 Mining thread quitzconn Connected! zec#0 Mining thread quitzconn subscribed zconn authorized worker zenbooster.censored zconn subscribed zconn received new job #29 zconn received new job #2a zec#0: 0.0S/s total: 0.0S/s zec#0: 0.0S/s total: 0.0S/s zec#0: 0.0S/s total: 0.0S/s zec#0: 0.0S/s total: 0.0S/s zec#0: 0.0S/s total: 0.0S/s
On my HD7950 i have the same result
==te-7========================== genoil-zec-miner-0.3.2>genoil-te-7.exe -c localhost:2142 -u zenbooster.censored -p censored -P 0 -g 0 -i 13
Genoil's ZEC miner - version 0.3
based on (early) Tromp solver
made possible by John, ocminer (suprnova), feeleep (coinmine.pl) and 110GH group
thanks for your donation! BTC: 1Nu2fMCEBjmnLzqb8qUJpKgq5RoEWFhNcW ETH: 0xeb9310b185455f863f526dab3d245809f6854b4d ZEC: ???
Using OpenCL platform: NVIDIA CUDA gpu#0: GeForce GT 610 zec#0 compiling kernels/zec.cl... zec#0 writing binary kernels/cache/zec-GeForce GT 610-128.bin zec#0clEnqueueFillBuffer(-59) zec#0 initialized. zec#0 Mining thread quitzec#0: 0.0S/s zec#0 loading binary kernels/cache/zec-GeForce GT 610-128.bintotal: 0.0S/s
zec#0clEnqueueFillBuffer(-59) zec#0 initialized. zec#0 Mining thread quitzec#0: 0.0S/s total: 0.0S/s zec#0: 0.0S/s total: 0.0S/s zec#0: 0.0S/s total: 0.0S/s zec#0: 0.0S/s total: 0.0S/s
==te-8========================== genoil-zec-miner-0.3.2>genoil-te-8.exe -c localhost:2142 -u zenbooster.censored -p censored -P 0 -g 0 -i 13
Genoil's ZEC miner - version 0.3
based on (early) Tromp solver
made possible by John, ocminer (suprnova), feeleep (coinmine.pl) and 110GH group
thanks for your donation! BTC: 1Nu2fMCEBjmnLzqb8qUJpKgq5RoEWFhNcW ETH: 0xeb9310b185455f863f526dab3d245809f6854b4d ZEC: ???
Using OpenCL platform: NVIDIA CUDA gpu#0: GeForce GT 610 zec#0 loading binary kernels/cache/zec-GeForce GT 610-128.bin zec#0clEnqueueFillBuffer(-59) zec#0 initialized. zec#0 Mining thread quitzec#0: 0.0S/s zec#0 loading binary kernels/cache/zec-GeForce GT 610-128.bintotal: 0.0S/s
zec#0clEnqueueFillBuffer(-59) zec#0 initialized. zec#0clEnqueueFillBuffer(-59) zec#0clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(-48) zec#0clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(-48) zec#0clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(-48) zec#0clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(-48) zec#0clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(-48) zec#0clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(-48) zec#0clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(-48) zec#0clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(-48) zec#0clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(-48) zec#0clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(-48) zec#0clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(-48) zec#0clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(-48) zec#0clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(-48) ...