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PoolTogether V5 Vault
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In PoolTogether V5 deposits are held in prize vaults. Prize vaults are ERC4626 compatible and are the entry point for users interacting with the PoolTogether protocol. Users deposit an underlying asset (i.e. USDC) in this contract which is then funnelled to a yield source and in exchange users receive an ERC20 token representing their share of deposits in the vault.
- Balances are stored in a TWAB Controller.
- Yield is forwarded to the Liquidator to be sold.
You may have to install the following tools to use this repository:
- Foundry to compile and test contracts
- direnv to handle environment variables
- lcov to generate the code coverage report
Install dependencies:
npm i
Copy .envrc.example
and write down the env variables needed to run this project.
cp .envrc.example .envrc
Once your env variables are setup, load them with:
direnv allow
Run the following command to compile the contracts:
npm run compile
Forge is used for coverage, run it with:
npm run coverage
You can then consult the report by opening coverage/index.html
open coverage/index.html
Code quality
Husky is used to run lint-staged and tests when committing.
Prettier is used to format TypeScript and Solidity code. Use it by running:
npm run format
Solhint is used to lint Solidity files. Run it with:
npm run hint
You can run tests with the following commands:
unit tests:
npm run test
fuzz tests:
npm run fuzz
invariant tests:
npm run invariant
integration tests:
npm run integration
(informative for which integrations have potential issues)
A default Github Actions workflow is setup to execute on push and pull request.
It will build the contracts and run the test coverage.
You can modify it here: .github/workflows/coverage.yml
For the coverage to work, you will need to setup the relevant {X}_RPC_URL
repository secrets in the settings of your Github repository.