Just had a look on your repositories, quite interesting ! My current project as to implement a MQTT gateway for 868 MHz devices based on a custom PCB that uses...
My solution using OMQ is already up and running, but i will have a look at your Tasmota version anyway. OMQ is still undergoing a lot of changes and improvements,...
I would maybe just scroll down a little bit on the main repository page to the section called wiring ...
Perfect, thanks. If you need someone for testing and feedback just tell me. Unfortunatly the Anaren devices are out of stock till somewhen in 2023, i realy liked them for...
I suggest an improved function which checks for some set options and returns according number of bytes: ``` byte ELECHOUSE_CC1101::ReceiveData(byte *rxBuffer) { byte size; if(SpiReadStatus(CC1101_RXBYTES) & BYTES_IN_RXFIFO) { Split_PKTCTRL0(); Split_PKTCTRL1();...