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A small C library for matrix manipulation


A small C library for matrix manipulation.


To install, run following commands from terminal :

make install

Use LIB_PATH and INCLUDE_PATH to install the library in specific directory. By default, library is installed at /usr/local/lib and header file is stored at /usr/local/include.

At compilation, use -lcmat flag. i.e.

gcc sample.c -lcmat

After installation, include cmat and use any of the following functions.

Basic Functions

  • MATRIX* cmat_malloc(int r, int c);

    Returns a pointer to MATRIX structure with r rows and c columns.

  • void cmat_free(MATRIX* m);

    Frees the memory allocated to the matrix pointed my m.

  • int cmat_set(MATRIX* m, int row, int col, double data);

    Sets the value of (row, col) to data in the matrix pointed by m. Returns 0 on success, -1 if row or col is out of bounds.

  • double cmat_get(MATRIX* m, int row, int col);

    Returns the value stored at (row, col) in matrix m; 0 if either row or col is out of bounds.

Arithmetic Functions

  • MATRIX* cmat_add_const(MATRIX* m, double a);

    Adds constant a to the each element of matrix m and returns the new matrix.

  • MATRIX* cmat_multiply_const(MATRIX* m, double a);

    Multiplies each element of matrix m with a and returns the new matrix.

  • MATRIX* cmat_add(MATRIX* m, MATRIX* n);

    Adds two matrices m and n and returns the new matrix. NULL if both matrices do not have same number of rows and columns.

  • MATRIX* cmat_subtract(MATRIX* m, MATRIX* n);

    Subtracts two matrices m and n and returns the new matrix. NULL if both matrices do not have same number of rows and columns.

  • MATRIX* cmat_divide_each(MATRIX* m, MATRIX* n);

    Divides each element of m with respective element of n and returns the new matrix. NULL if both matrices do not have same number of rows and columns.

  • MATRIX* cmat_multiply_each(MATRIX* m, MATRIX* n);

    Multiplies each element of m with respective element of n and returns the new matrix. NULL if both matrices do not have same number of rows and columns.

  • MATRIX* cmat_multiply(MATRIX* m, MATRIX* n);

    Performs matrix multiplication on matrices m and n and returns the answer matrix.

Special Matrices

  • MATRIX* cmat_zeros(int r, int c);

    Returns a matrix of dimension rxc, filled with zeros.

  • MATRIX* cmat_ones(int r, int c);

    Returns a matrix of dimension rxc, filled with ones.

  • MATRIX* cmat_identity(int dim);

    Returns an identity matrix of dimension dimxdim.

  • MATRIX* cmat_upper_trig(int dim);

    Returns an upper triangular matrix of dimension dimxdim.

  • MATRIX* cmat_lower_trig(int dim);

    Returns an lower triangular matrix of dimension dimxdim.

Other Operations

  • double cmat_min(MATRIX* m);

    Returns the smallest element in the matrix m.

  • double cmat_max(MATRIX* m);

    Returns the largest element in the matrix m.

  • MATRIX* cmat_transpose(MATRIX* m);

    Returns the transpose matrix of the matrix m.

  • MATRIX* cmat_normalize(MATRIX* m);

    Returns the normalized version of the matrix m.


  • [x] Transpose
  • [x] Normalization
  • [x] Determinant
  • [ ] Rank of the matrix
  • [ ] Inverse of a matrix
  • [ ] Gaussian Reduction
  • [ ] Reshaping and merging


Copyright (C) 2016 Nijraj Gelani (MIT)