xml-avro copied to clipboard
Convert XSD -> AVSC and XML -> AVRO
XSD => Avsc & XML => Avro
No longer maintained actively
This project was initially a fork of xml-avro-elodina. Later evolved to separate project with lotsss of bug fixes, memory & performance improvements, options, re-coded in Scala
- Converts any XSD to a proper usable Avro schema (Avsc)
- Converts any XML to avro using the provided schema. What can it do? See the list below.
- Handle any large size XML (even in GigaBytes), as it streams the xml
- Read xml from stdin and output to stdout
- Validate the XML with XSD
- Split the data at any specified element (can have any no.of splits)
- Handle multiple documents in single file (useful when streaming continuous data)
- Write out failed documents without killing the whole process
- Completely configurable
Running Project
git clone
to clone the repository to local -
gradle build
to generate the jar file -
java -jar ./build/libs/xml-avro-all-<VERSION>.jar -c <CONFIG_FILE>
to run the code (options as below)
Check ./example/config.yml
for sample configuration file
Config File
Create yml config file as per the below format
debug: false # Enable printing of debug messages
baseDir: "files" # Base directory where most files are relative to
namespaces: true # Enable/Disable usage of namespaces in schema/conversion - Optional (default: true)
XML: # Convert XML
xmlInput: stdin # Source of XML [ stdin | "somefile.xml" ]
avscFile: "books.avsc" # Avsc file to use for conversion - (If not using splits)
avroOutput: stdout # Traget location [ stdout | "somefile.avro" ] - Optional (Uses the xmlInput to assume the output) (If not using splits)
documentRootTag: "books" # Root tag of the XML (without namespace)
validationXSD: "books.xsd" # Enable validation with specified xsd
ignoreMissing: true # Incase you use a smaller version of avsc (to take only required tags),
# tags in the xml may not exist in the trimmed avsc..
# This option enables to ignore the missing tags instead of failing
suppressWarnings: true # In case of a lot of missing fields don't print them as warnings
split: # Split the avro records based on specifed list
by: "bookName" # Split tag name
avscFile: "name.avsc" # Avsc File for the split part
avroFile: "name.avro" # Avro file name to save to
by: "bookPublisher"
avscFile: "publisher.avsc"
avroFile: "publisher.avro"
qaDir: "some path" # Writes some count details
caseSensitive: true # Tags matching xml & avsc are case sensitive - Optional (default: true)
ignoreCaseFor: # Ignore case senitivity for the below list
- "SomeTag"
docErrorLevel: "WARNING" # Use this level to log in case of error in a document
errorFile: "failures.xml" # Writes the failed documents to this file
useAvroInput: true # Read xml data from inside an avro file
inputAvroMappings: # Set of mappings from source field name to target, use "xmlInput" as target to mark it as the xml data, use "unique_id" as target to mark the value as unique key
"headers" : "avroHeader"
"body" : "xmlInput"
"headers.unique_id" : "unique_id"
xsdFile: "somefile.xsd" # Source of XSD
avscFile: "books.avsc" # Avsc file to save as - Optional (Uses the xsdFile to assume the output)
stringTimestamp: true # Represent timestamp as string instead of long. Defaults to false. Setting this value to "true" overrides XSD.logicalTypes.xsDateTime to "string".
attributePrefix: "_" # Optional, will assign the specified prefix for attributes in the avsc schema
ignoreHiveKeywords: true # Do not suffix field name with `_value` when matching Hive keywords. Default value is false.
rootElementQName: "{ns}name" # Only generate schema for root element matching this QName
xsDateTime: "long" # Configures the Avro mapping of xs:dateTime XML types. [ long | string | timestamp-micros | timestamp-millis ]
# "long" (the default) maps xs:dateTime types to regular Avro "long". Same as the default mapping for xs:dateTime in older xml-avro versions.
# "string" maps xs:dateTime types to Avro "string"
# "timestamp-micros" maps xs:dateTime types to Avro "timestamp-micros" logical type annotating a "long".
# "timestamp-millis" maps xs:dateTime types to Avro "timestamp-millis" logical type annotating a "long".
# Note: Setting the stringTimestamp will override this config value to "string" for backward compatibility reasons.
xsDate: "string" # Configures the Avro mapping of xs:date XML types. [ string | date ].
# "string" (the default) maps xs:date types to Avro "string"
# "date" maps xs:date types to Avro "date" logical type annotating an "int".
xsTime: "string" # Configures the Avro mapping of xs:time XML types. [ string | time-micros | time-millis ]
# "string" (the default) maps xs:time types to Avro "string".
# "time-micros" maps xs:time types to Avro "time-micros" logical type annotating a "long".
# "time-millis" maps xs:time types to Avro "time-millis" logical type annotating a "long".
xsDecimal: # Configurations controlling the mapping of xs:decimal XML types
avroType: "decimal" # Configures the Avro type mapping of xs:Decimal derived xml types.
# Possible values are: [ double | string | decimal ]
# - "double" (the default) maps xs:decimal types to Avro "double".
# - "string" maps xs:decimal types to Avro "string".
# - "decimal" maps xs:decimal types to Avro "decimal" logical types annotating "bytes".
# When using the "decimal" option, the mandatory precision and scale properties of the Avro
# decimal type are picked up from any xs:totalDigits and xs:fractionDigits restriction facets, if any.
# In the absense of these restriction facets, the mapping will instead fall back to using a backup strategy defined
# by a combination of the fallbackType, fallbackPrecision and fallbackScale configurations.
fallbackType: "string" # Configures a fallback type mapping for xs:decimal types with unrestricted precision and scale. (i.e. types without
# declared xs:totalDigits and xs:fractionDigits restriction facets). This configuration is ignored, unless the
# avroType setting is configured to "decimal".
# The possible values are: [ string | double | decimal ]
# All options are identical to those described under the avroType configuration, the only exception being
# "decimal" that uses the fallbackPrecision and fallbackScale configurations as a defaults for missing
# precision and scale information.
fallbackPrecision: 5 # Configures the fallback precision for decimal types without declared xs:totalDigits
# and restriction. Required when fallbackType is set to "decimal".
fallbackScale: 3 # Configures the fallback scale for decimal types without declared xs:fractionDigits restriction.
# Required when fallbackType is set to "decimal".
Build docker image
docker build -t xml-avro:v1.8.2 --build-arg VERSION=1.8.2 .
Run with docker
docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/example:/app/example -v $(pwd)/example/config.yml:/app/config.yml xml-avro:latest