Gisele Almeida
Gisele Almeida
Thanks for the reminder! I'll update our website with this information.
I can access Patreon, but have not been able to set up the two factor authentication. I'll speak to James about this.
I have updated the English version of our Wikipedia entry. It now mentions awards received up until 2021 and gives a bit more detail on the open access aspect of...
I can create a Portuguese page and propose a Spanish version for a native speaker to look over. (@programminghistorian/spanish-team) --- We will need someone from the @programminghistorian/french-team to do...
Se alguém quiser repassar o PT: @programminghistorian/portuguese-team
The steps needed to close this issue are: - [x] someone to revise the Spanish text - [ ] someone to edit the french text in the French Wikipedia...
> Hi @GeeAlmeida, thanks for working on this! I will review the text in Spanish during the day (hopefully) but on a quick, I see an award for the ES...
Thanks @jenniferisasi - that is done!
I have changed the name of the French Editor on Wikipedia on Wed. I have also added the logos of the French, Spanish and Portuguese journals to their respective entries.
Thanks for this @marie-flesch ! I'll try to put it up on the French Wikipedia. I'll let you know if I need help.