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What about geshi-1.2 ?

Open dcorb opened this issue 10 years ago • 2 comments

What is the status of the development of Geshi? Geshi 1.1 here in github Geshi 1.0 here References about Geshi 1.2 in the bottom:

Thank you for migrating the repo to Github, definitely the right step. I would love to see more activity around Geshi.

dcorb avatar Jan 07 '14 21:01 dcorb

I found something in the doc/index.html of this repo:

<p>If you're reading this, thanks for helping test GeSHi 1.1! This is the brand-spanking new
version of GeSHi set to debut as GeSHi 1.2 whenever it's finished, and hopefully with your
help that time will be sooner rather than later. Perhaps before Duke Nukem Forever goes Gold

dcorb avatar Jan 08 '14 11:01 dcorb

Yeah. It uses Linux kernel version numbering conventions. Odd-numbered "1.x" series are the development versions that will turn into the subsequent even-numbered "1.y" stable series.

apjanke avatar Dec 16 '18 07:12 apjanke