ngx-chips copied to clipboard
Angular universal give me errors
I'm submitting a support request.
In your code I found this
* @fileoverview added by tsickle
* @suppress {checkTypes} checked by tsc
// angular universal hacks
/* tslint:disable-next-line */
var KeyboardEvent = ((window)).KeyboardEvent;
but after my compiling my console of node server write this
var KeyboardEvent = ((window)).KeyboardEvent;
ReferenceError: window is not defined
There are solutions?
Hi @KromPass, have you tried this solution yet?
Hi @Gbuomprisco, i'm tried this solution but not work. The problem is inside ngx-chips, when i try to import component in my appModule, node execute the component and find window reference, but it's not defined.
In tag.component.ts line 20 there are this
const KeyboardEvent = (window as any).KeyboardEvent;
const MouseEvent = (window as any).MouseEvent;
do you think it is possible to implement a check for angular universal in the plugin?
More info: i use AOT for build
Do you have a public repository i can try it on?
I have the same problem (window is not defined), I managed to get around it in a previous version but don't remember how! I use this as my starting template:
is there a workaround / hack to get things working again? Edit: I just rolled back to "ngx-chips": "1.6.7" and the problem isn't there... I don't have zindex (I don't think) but most importantly I don't get the "window is not defined" error!
use this repo for test For run build
npm run build:universal
cd dist
node server.js
Hi @Gbuomprisco you have news for support us?
Sorry haven't had a chance yet
One way to fix this issue is to use webpack.DefinePlugin
and webpack-node-externals. This creates a global object which could be used as a mock for window object. Add these to webpack.config.js
externals: [
whitelist: [
plugins: [
new webpack.DefinePlugin({
window: {
navigator: JSON.stringify({
userAgent: 'Chrome',
vendor: 'Google Inc'
webpack-node-externals - More info on DefinePlugin -
Hi there, the same here :( looking for news :)
Hi there, still looking for solutions.
I've made my own now. it's essentially an input with tags inline, and an auto complete dropdown (also easy to make). Once you make a start you'll realise how easy it actually is! Just remember to use Renderer2 to make changes to the DOM.
Hello guys, I have the same problem. anyone has any valid solution for this issue.
I am also getting the same error when execute npm run serve:ssr command in angular cli this is related to ngx-chips module (v2.1.0). (SSR with Angular 9 Universal)
const DragEvent = window.DragEvent; ^
ReferenceError: window is not defined is there any solution?