Giancarlo Buomprisco
Giancarlo Buomprisco
To be honest I'm pretty lost on the cause as well
Unfortunately that's not possible at the moment. I may create an attribute to pass arbitrary parameters to the input component
Not totally sure but I am thinking it has something to do with the animations polyfill
Thanks! Will try asap
Hi guys, I'm getting the same error. I installed version 3.4.0, but then it automatically updated 😬 Anyone know how to disable that while the new version is broken?
Hi guys, are you currently working on it? I may also help if needed :)
Thanks for the reply! I gave it a go - it' been quite frustrating - especially as using ngrok takes 5 minute to see a change 😅 I took some...
Can you try v1.9.2? If not, does it make a difference if the module is not lazy loaded?
Unfortunately I haven't been able to reproduce this issue, really not sure what's going on.
When using Next.js, every module in Firebase appears to be bundled: