Gavin Mendel-Gleason
Gavin Mendel-Gleason
Multigraph lazy iri resolution
When restarting an index after an error, the openai key seems to get lost, leading to an error. This leads to collapse when trying to create a new type in the dashboard.
The following query resulted in a panic. 
In the property screen for the schema, we should display the min / max for cardinality.
This is redundant, so why include an alternative type?
Keys are not inherited, so it does not make sense to have an abstract with a key. Alternatively we could change the schema such that key inheritance works.
It would be great if we had a mode for the document interface that ignores (drops) unknown fields in documents. This would make it much easier to do partial schemata...
Make any property with a range of `sys:Unit` Try to find an object with this property in GraphQL. Fail.
```shell ubuntu@ip-172-31-40-165:~$ terminusdb doc get --help [NOTICE] 2023-07-20T14:39:15.855057+00:00 Upgrading ERROR: Unknown error term: rust_io_error('PermissionDenied',"Permission denied (os error 13)") ERROR: In: ERROR: [10] terminus_store:delete_named_graph(,'') ```