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Ensemble Integration: a customizable pipeline for generating multi-modal, heterogeneous ensembles
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: Integrating multi-modal data for predictive modeling
(or eipy
) leverages multi-modal data to build classifiers using a late fusion approach.
In eipy, base predictors are trained on each modality before being ensembled at the late stage.
This implementation of eipy can utilize sklearn-like <https://scikit-learn.org/>
_ models only, therefore, for unstructured data,
e.g. images, it is recommended to perform feature selection prior to using eipy. We hope to allow for a wider range of base predictors,
i.e. deep learning methods, in future releases. A key feature of eipy
is its built-in nested cross-validation approach, allowing for a
fair comparison of a collection of user-defined ensemble methods.
Documentation including tutorials are available at https://eipy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ <https://eipy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>
As usual it is recommended to set up a virtual environment prior to installation. You can install ensemble-integration with pip:
pip install ensemble-integration
If you use ensemble-integration
in a scientific publication please cite the following:
Jamie J. R. Bennett, Yan Chak Li and Gaurav Pandey. An Open-Source Python Package for Multi-modal Data Integration using Heterogeneous Ensembles, https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2401.09582.
Yan Chak Li, Linhua Wang, Jeffrey N Law, T M Murali, Gaurav Pandey. Integrating multimodal data through interpretable heterogeneous ensembles, Bioinformatics Advances, Volume 2, Issue 1, 2022, vbac065, https://doi.org/10.1093/bioadv/vbac065.