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(Feature request) Improved FGD support

Open c-d-a opened this issue 2 years ago • 20 comments

FGD entity definitions are nicer than DEFs/ENTs because of class inheritance. NRC already supports FGD format, but only in some strange limited form.
Currently, it requires setting entityclass="halflife" in the game settings, which causes spawnflags to disappear in the UI - something I don't see any reason for. Fixing this would be a great start.

The syntax seems very strict (one wrong-case letter and the whole file fails to load), so many existing FGDs are incompatible.
It would also be nice to be able to set the displayed skin and animation frame for models/sprites. For example, TrenchBroom supports doing something like this:

@PointClass base(Monster) 
	model({ "path" : "progs/zombie.mdl",
		"frame" : {{ spawnflags & 1 -> 196,0 }} }) = monster_zombie : "Zombie"
	spawnflags(Flags) = 
	[1: "Crucified"
	2: "Ambush"]

That would be ideal, but even simply picking up "skin" and "frame" custom properties would be fine.

c-d-a avatar Aug 29 '22 16:08 c-d-a

FGD support is about 2003's WorldCraft format. HalfLifers prefer hammer-alike editors mostly, so this is pretty abandoned. TB uses own unique format of FGD.

entityclass="halflife" in the game settings, which causes spawnflags to disappear

This literally enables FGD use, nothing to do with GUI, flags are parsed: Looks like they are stored in wrong way, so GUI doesn't get them, would be cool to fix.

one wrong-case letter and the whole file fails to load

this is easy fix, hint me which strings are picky to the case

simply picking up "skin" and "frame" custom properties would be fine

Not that simple under the hood, this requires modification of resources hashing system. Luckily most of games do not care about frames in mapping regard. Thing to also consider is whether Assimp has frame loading for formats of interest. As for skins, their implementation varies a lot per game/format, Assimp supports skins for some formats, but need of unique handling in each case is expected.

FGD's strong feature is inheritance, while ENT has way more rich base of defined types and their properties, also extensible w/o backwards compatibility break. Some idea is to add way to avoid duplication in ENT, may be not exactly inheritance, but way to insert predefined block. Design wise it's not clear how to do it well, in real cases it's often wished to have unique description for certain key or control over the order of keys. E.g. child adds a key, it will end up before or after the derived block, while it's wanted somewhere near the related keys,

Garux avatar Aug 31 '22 06:08 Garux

Predefined blocks in ENTs sound great.
The order of keys in FGDs (as it is now) inserts inherited properties below the ones unique to the entity. I think that makes sense, clearly shows how an entity differs from the rest. TB just sorts everything alphabetically, FWIW.

Re: frames, the practical use-case is placing misc_models as part of the world (characters as statues, for example). In Q1 you'd just leave it as a separate entity. In Q3 you could in theory bake it into the world, but the q3map2 documentation on entity keys just straight up says "_frame" doesn't work. At the end of the day, none of this is that big a deal of course.

this is easy fix, hint me which strings are picky to the case

The classes: SolidClass, PointClass, BaseClass Other things it usually fails on might be TB additions. One is "model" instead of "studio" when defining the entity's model (though TB-specific FGDs will probably have extra characters in the model path, so it's going to break anyway). Another is using '=' instead of ':' as a separator, like so:

property(type) = "description"
property(type) : "description"

Even just keeping the strict syntax would be fine if it would only throw a single error with the number of the problematic line. As it is, one has to sit for a full minute holding Enter to skip through all the errors, which tends to drain the motivation somewhat.

c-d-a avatar Aug 31 '22 16:08 c-d-a

This part is really case sensitive for some reason turning ASSERT_MESSAGEs to console errors would be helpful for managing 'bloated' fgds.

Garux avatar Aug 31 '22 18:08 Garux

OMG, yes it is so strict with fgds. I've tried a few of mine and a few other older ones, but it would require large rewrites to make them work.

The syntax seems very strict (one wrong-case letter and the whole file fails to load), so many existing FGDs are incompatible.

eGax avatar Oct 04 '22 07:10 eGax

I understand it would be difficult but seconding this idea hard.

ZecChelovek avatar Dec 15 '22 01:12 ZecChelovek

Now that Quake 2 Remaster is released we need proper FGD support ASAP, otherwise people are forced to switch to TrenchBroom and TBH I'm not a fan of that editor because of its severe lack of features. After so many years of using Radiant family editors it's just painful to use something different...

I've tried to create my own game profile with the FGD files distributed with the game but it causes tons of errors during initial parsing and in the end the editor just crashes. Very unfortunate outcome. So there is only two choices: to use TrenchBroom or to convert FGD to DEF or ENT manually and I'm feeling the pain even when thinking about it! Or maybe a tool exist for such task? I only found the tool for converting ENT and DEF to FGD and not the other way around.

RazielZnot avatar Aug 25 '23 23:08 RazielZnot

Define proper support kinda. Classic FGD is supported, various format extensions, added by other editors are not. With referenced changes running through pointed parsing errors and fixing them must be pretty doable. I can try that, if you share the FGD.

Wrt conversion, ENT would be the best option, as it's reachest of the 3 formats. I added 2ENT part here, fromFGD part is missing tho.

Garux avatar Aug 26 '23 04:08 Garux

Define proper support kinda.

Some unification between editors is needed. It's really strange that TrenchBroom devs decided to break the standard, this deserves extreme judgement TBH.

I added 2ENT part here, fromFGD part is missing tho.

Having this tool as a plugin in the editor but with the all needed features would be great, so people could use it right away.

I can try that, if you share the FGD.

You can get them here:

RazielZnot avatar Aug 26 '23 12:08 RazielZnot

@RazielZnot isn't it gamepack for your game Has .def.

Garux avatar Aug 27 '23 12:08 Garux

@Garux that's for the latest GtkRadiant and it requires manual changes to make it compatible with NetRadiant Custom. I already tried using GtkRadiant 1.6.7, and even though they added new features, but they also managed to break those that worked perfectly fine, like you can't select brush face anymore for some bizarre reason, or rotation is very coarse now and it works only in the axis of the current 2D view, maybe something else but definitely things got worse. Also in their blog they say:

The entities.def in the pack is probably a little outdated, a conversion effort from the latest fgd may be needed (or directly adding fgd support to radiant).

I don't understand the reasoning behind making everything incompatible with the established standards, it always makes things worse.

RazielZnot avatar Aug 27 '23 18:08 RazielZnot

  • can just use .def from that gamepack
  • you likely mix up GtkR 1.5 & 1.6; 1.6 is 1.4 in general
  • they had reasons to break compatibility, adding features to make things better. Though imo it should not be passed off as FGD, as it confuses apps with FGD support and their users. Having different extension would be nuff.

Garux avatar Aug 27 '23 19:08 Garux

can just use .def from that gamepack

I did some research, it really is very outdated but also pretty barebone, paths for the models are missing for most of the new entities. But there is also unfortunate surprise about FGD, it's incomplete as well, for example rotating_light is missing but present in the DEF. So both FGD and DEF are outdated in their own way, as if different people worked with each of them. And I checked the game's dll source code of the remaster, it contains QUAKED comments which can be used to assemble DEF file from scratch, unless the devs did a nasty job and missed some of such comments...

RazielZnot avatar Aug 27 '23 20:08 RazielZnot

Fixed errors, some warnings in the log left. Note, some functionality was removed to get it running. Multiple spawnflags per entity (for ericw tools, not supported in radiant), flags over 16 bit (probably okay to increase the max in radiant, no games were using them so far).

Garux avatar Aug 28 '23 01:08 Garux

Q2RePack is not complete. It's the same as I've had in my GTKRadiant-folder forever (or for over 20 years or so).

However, how about a real NetRadiant, one that can be accessed through the browser? ;w; I know jdolan did a JSRadiant back in the days, but not much came of it. I'd really like to have the capacity to just make maps through a browser.

pinksloyd avatar Aug 28 '23 13:08 pinksloyd


Not gonna happen, unless C++ + Qt is easily portable to web tech. Or unless new hero will enter the chat.

Garux avatar Aug 28 '23 14:08 Garux

But but:

pinksloyd avatar Aug 28 '23 14:08 pinksloyd

Looking at the code, I see that the color1 KV type is missing: It has color255 (1D array of 0-255 per color, plus anything or nothing afterward), but color1 (1D array of 0-1, plus anything or nothing afterward) more accurately represents how IdTech engines tend to handle color KVs.

SirYodaJedi avatar Sep 18 '23 20:09 SirYodaJedi

It's not hard to add. Would be nice to know which dialect this color1 comes from though. Q2re fgds use unknown color key type for both byte & float colours.

Garux avatar Sep 19 '23 04:09 Garux

Would be nice to know which dialect this color1 comes from though.

Seems to always have been a thing; it can be found in old Worldcraft 1.6 FGDs.

Q2re fgds use unknown color key type for both byte & float colours.

Seems to be a TrenchBroom thing; TrenchBroom doesn't properly detect either color255 or color1 yet.

SirYodaJedi avatar Sep 19 '23 14:09 SirYodaJedi

Adjusted adjustments to the latest commits.

Garux avatar Sep 20 '23 02:09 Garux