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Add an option to use neovim as an editor
One thing that makes me uncomfortable when using Bonzomatic is that it lacks vim mode ;).
Recently I discovered this neovim thing that states that it can be used as an embeddable text editor. It would be very cool to be able to use it as an optional text editor mode for those of us who strongly prefer vi-stuff to anything else.
I will be willing to implement that pull request myself if/when I find time to do it (not very soon though).
If you want to do a fork for yourself, sure, but I don't think mainline Bonzo - the one used for competitions - should have tailor-made features that are only advantageous for a small section of competitors.
I guess I feel myself being at kind of a disadvantage when faced with using a conventional text editor -- this is not what I regularly use, and because of that I suddenly become very slow and clumsy.
But yeah, I do understand your point. Being in "that guy" minority is generally not very comfortable.
Vim support would be very cool.
Again, nothing is stopping you from creating a fork and adding it to yourself (and you're encouraged to do that), but the main tree caters to the common competition use.
Hi! Just wanted to point out that using Vim bindings also helps people like me avoid RSI. Fewer keystrokes for a lot of common operations. I actually see it as an accessibility issue more than an editor preference.
I am a hardcore Vim user and would love to see this too...