Gan Shun
Gan Shun
Again I would like to ask you, even if it takes a long while to explain, what are you trying to achieve? maybe we can make a custom visitor for...
why not put this in GUID2English? On Sat, Nov 7, 2020 at 6:20 PM Daniel Maslowski wrote: > Some GUIDs are quite common. For example: > > ag 'FA4974FC-AF1D-4E5D-BDC5-DACD6D27BAEC' src/fixtures/...
I vote 2, Chrome pretty much does this today I think. The additional con of doing 2 though is since pretty much every release is a major release, none of...
I'm fixing it on fiano. Linuxboot extract-fv doesn't support it yet either. I wanna make a note for it.
Wait I think the code you're pointing to is about supporting FFSes with the extended length. I'm talking about the FirmwareVolume header that is itself extended and pointed to by...
Specifically this line needs to be fixed: since it's not a given that that's where the data of the FV starts.
Unfortunately I don't have one that I can share. We might be able to tweak winterfell's dxe to produce one that uses the extended header.