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Error #3675: Texture format mismatch. in Starling
I use Starling 1.6 with Adobe AIR 17.0 And now this error just jumps from no place(previous version runs well). It happens before the AssetManager load done.
Can you please help me explain and guide me how to solve this? Ask if you need any more detail please.
When you say "previous version runs well", do you mean the previous AIR or Starling version? And are you using ATF textures or normal PNGs?
I use normal PNGs(texture atlas uis.png and uis.xml) and with the previous Adobe AIR + Starling(before I use Starling 1.5.1 and Adobe AIR 16.x and it just runs ok). Now I update all version: Adobe AIR to 17.x and Starling to 1.6.
- The error happens only in Android, not IOS and Desktop.
- In this line: fromBitmapData(bitmap.bitmapData, generateMipMaps, optimizeForRenderToTexture, scale, format, repeat) format = "bgra"; generateMipMaps = false; optimizeForRenderToTexture = false; scale = 2; repeat=false;
- My device: Samsung Tab 3. screensize: 1024x600.
- Uninstall/install Adobe AIR in Android not help.
Hi, Adobe AIR SDK 17 + FP 17 is still in beta..
Yes, please try it out with AIR 16 and Starling 1.6; that way, we can see if it's a Starling or an AIR problem. Thanks!
You are correct! No error in Android with Thank @vpmedia @PrimaryFeather But if I remember correctly, last week I struggled with AIR 16.x on IOS because app crashed at start time with 64 bit ANE -- And this problem is only solved with updating Adobe AIR 17.x. This week I test my app in Android, and this happens... -- So should I use two sdks for different platforms? Hmm, I confused now -_-
When are you planning to release the app? Perhaps AIR 17 is final when you reach the point where you're publishing the app. If that's possible, you could postpone the decision until then.
Hi, Today I downloaded stable version of AIR17. But I still have this problem on Android
There is my log: ArgumentError: Error #3675: Texture format mismatch. at flash.display3D.textures::Texture/uploadFromBitmapData() at starling.textures::ConcreteTexture/uploadBitmapData()[/Users/nikolaytsoy/WorkPlace/work/ARBAuz/libs/starling/textures/] at starling.textures::Texture$/fromBitmapData()[/Users/nikolaytsoy/WorkPlace/work/ARBAuz/libs/starling/textures/] at starling.textures::Texture$/fromData()[/Users/nikolaytsoy/WorkPlace/work/ARBAuz/libs/starling/textures/] at Function/process()[/Users/nikolaytsoy/WorkPlace/work/ARBAuz/libs/starling/utils/] at Function/ at starling.utils::SystemUtil$/executeWhenApplicationIsActive()[/Users/nikolaytsoy/WorkPlace/work/ARBAuz/libs/starling/utils/] at Function/complete()[/Users/nikolaytsoy/WorkPlace/work/ARBAuz/libs/starling/utils/] at Function/onLoaderComplete()[/Users/nikolaytsoy/WorkPlace/work/ARBAuz/libs/starling/utils/]
That's unfortunate. :disappointed: The same problem has been reported in the forum (in this post) — please check back with Fraggle and vote together on that bug. I'll contact Adobe, too, to make sure they fix this quickly.
... with hindsight, I should have recommended to report this to Adobe right away. :pensive:
i can't reproduce the bug with the textured hello triangle test from Adobe and AIR 17 on Android and the Win32 desktop:
EDIT: and with a full blown Starling project!
- uploading a lot of 2048x2048 textures
- adding more vertices
- same mipmap generation method as Starling on / off
- baseline / baseline constrained
- optimizeForRenderToTexture on / off
- stencils on / off
- different texture formats (except ATF)
- switching on / off "linear / nearest", "repeat" flags for "tex" in the fragment program
but this could be a combination of parameters...
a tip for the reporting: try to narrow down the cause by switching some settings in your project. unless Adobe are able to reproduce the bug, it can take quite some time for them to figure out why it happens.
Maybe try adb logcat, so check out android system logs..
I'm getting this issue too with Adobe AIR 17, feathers 1.3.1 and starling 1.5.1. On a Nexus 4 with Android 5.0 it is working on a Samsung Galaxy S2 the error occurs...
Also tested AIR 17 with the latest Starling 1.6 and feathers 2.1.1...same error and also only the S2 throws the error.
Update I Now also tested with AIR 16 and it is also not working...AIR 15 works.
Update II: AIR 16 seems to work when adding -swf-version=27 to the "Additional compiler arguments" in Flash Builder 4.7 AIR 17 doesn't work with -swf-version=28 on the Samsung Galaxy S2
This problem seems to be similar to this one. There's an Adobe engineer listening in that thread (abhinavdhandh), please post your problem description over there, as well!
Same here, this is device related. Some devices that have this issue are:
HP Slate 10 Samsung galaxy 3 tablet POLAROID Tablette 10,1"
Very urgent!!!
Same problem on samsung galaxy ace 3 with air 17. No problem on lenovo b6000 with the same air version though. That's very annoying...
same error on galaxy tab 2 10.1
Any update on this? I'm starting to get some heat from clients
It's an AIR 17 problem. 16th works perfectly
yea i got no problem in Air 16 .. its AIR 17 issue
In issue #676, Adobe answered that they've found the problem and the fix will be part of the next release. Although I don't know yet if this includes error 3675 mentioned here.
same problem with the samsung galexy tablet 3 SM-T210R works perfectly fine on samsung glaexy s5 but on tablet it throws a lot of errors from the source code not my code the errors its throwing are as follows
ArgumentError: Error #3675: Texture format mismatch. at flash.display3D.textures::Texture/uploadFromBitmapData() at starling.textures::ConcreteTexture/uploadBitmapData()[/Users/redge/Dropbox/Development/starling/starling/src/starling/textures/] at starling.textures::Texture$/fromBitmapData()[/Users/redge/Dropbox/Development/starling/starling/src/starling/textures/] at MiniBitmapFont$/get texture()[/Users/redge/Dropbox/Development/starling/starling/src/starling/text/] at starling.text::BitmapFont()[/Users/redge/Dropbox/Development/starling/starling/src/starling/text/] at starling.text::TextField/set fontName()[/Users/redge/Dropbox/Development/starling/starling/src/starling/text/] at starling.text::TextField()[/Users/redge/Dropbox/Development/starling/starling/src/starling/text/] at StatsDisplay()[/Users/redge/Dropbox/Development/starling/starling/src/starling/core/] at starling.core::Starling/showStatsAt()[/Users/redge/Dropbox/Development/starling/starling/src/starling/core/] at Function/starling.core:Starling/showStatsAt/starling.core:onRootCreated()[/Users/redge/Dropbox/Development/starling/starling/src/starling/core/] at[/Users/redge/Dropbox/Development/starling/starling/src/starling/events/] at[/Users/redge/Dropbox/Development/starling/starling/src/starling/events/] at[/Users/redge/Dropbox/Development/starling/starling/src/starling/events/] at starling.core::Starling/initializeRoot()[/Users/redge/Dropbox/Development/starling/starling/src/starling/core/] at starling.core::Starling/initialize()[/Users/redge/Dropbox/Development/starling/starling/src/starling/core/] at starling.core::Starling/onContextCreated()[/Users/redge/Dropbox/Development/starling/starling/src/starling/core/]
This bug is fixed in 18 beta.
It is NOT fixed in AIR 18 Beta..I'm using AIR 19 Final and is throwing the same error. tried swf-version 27 - not working..swf-version 30 - also not working. The problem happens with old phones/tablet with not enough RAM . It happens on my HTC Desire HD with latest 4.14.1 SDK and AIR 19.
It is throws when I'm trying to set .width of starling Button.
@flashmandv, please add that information to #676 - some Adobe engineers are watching that thread, and they are always looking for concrete information about such bugs. The more detailed the information you give them, the better. Thanks in advance!
Just received this error on Android with AIR 27.
manufacturer HUAWEI
model ALE-L21
osName Android
osVersion 6.0
screenSize 720 x 1280