> since it seams to work with the flags we are now using in esp-idf-sys. We could also change it here. Rustcompiler give us the flag as `esp_idf_soc_temp_sensor_supported`. Would that...
As far as I can tell this is still an issue with the current Jellyfin version
@prahal I just tried to reproduce the issue with a few movies and for all of them subtitles were displayed correctly. Seems like the issue is fixed? @T4NNh4u53r is it...
> @GamerBene19 this report talks about multiple issues: missing subtitles and previous to the missing subtitles, the subtitles being displayed a bit to the left. Oh, I must have not...
I was experiencing the issue with the shifted subtitles. As stated above I'm not able to reproduce it now so it seems to be fixed :thinking:
@prahal > Do you have a video that exhibits horizontal black bars on jellyfin players Yes I do, since most movies are in that format (if I understand you correctly)....
> @GamerBene19 What puzzle me is your screenshot shows horizontal black bars ... but also vertical black bars. I was talking about horizontal black bars only. But I also believe...
Thanks for the quick reply, @Vollbrecht. I've tried to follow the steps you provided, but I am somewhat stuck. What I did so far is: 1. Clone `esp-idf-hal`, `esp-idf-sys` and...
> esp-idf-sys generates all the bindings and export them directly. When are they generated? What triggers their generation? (As mentioned above I can't run `cargo build` in `esp-idf-sys`) > directly...
Alright, thanks for the clarification. Sounds like my include was wrong then. I'll try again and report back. Sorry for beeing such a noob and thanks for the patience.