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Furniture 1.21
This datapack allows you to craft and use a wide variety of furniture.
loot commands can be used to obtain the items instead:
/loot give @s loot gm4_furniture:items/furniture_station
/loot give @s loot gm4_furniture:items/paintbrush
Beet is required to build the datapack! Resource Pack is required!
- [x] Furniture Station
Can be crafted in a Custom Crafter, the Furniture Station is a 2 high block that can be used to craft other furniture
- [x] add crafting recipe
- [x] add placement logic
- [x] add category selection
- [x] add category generation
- [x] Furniture Crafting
Furniture can be crafted from a Villager trading menu (shown recipes are a WIP). Furniture is divided in separate categories, which can be switched by selecting a different tool on the Furniture Station.
- [x] add all furniture and categories
- [x] add logical recipes
- [x] Furniture Placement
Furniture is placed with similar logic to paintings, e.g. a 2 long bench will extend to the right, while longer benches will extend 1 to the left, then continue to the right. Depth and Height will prefer away from the player and up respectively.
Furniture can be specified as ground, wall or ceiling placed, these will always prefer to place away from their respective surface (e.g. a wall placed furniture's depth will be placed away from the wall only).
Wall and Ceiling furniture must be placed on their specified surface or placement will fail, if the block they were placed on is destroyed so is the furniture.
- [x] add placement logic
- [x] add wall-only logic
- [x] add ceiling-only logic
- [x] Furniture Mechanics
Seating: right clicking furniture with a seat will allow the player to sit on them
Table: furniture with a solid top side will allow placement on top of them, this also means these furniture cannot be broken from the top side.
Dyable: some furniture has dyable surfaces. These can be painted using a Paintbrush, which can be crafted in a Custom Crafter
A Paintbrush can be colored using dyes, similar to leather items, and paint can be removed using a water cauldron. Colorable furniture will remember its color (shown in lore) when picked back up.
- [x] add sittable furniture
- [x] add tables
- [x] add dyable furniture