Mike Finch

Results 20 comments of Mike Finch

@jonmcalder that is the correct issue, I didn't think to look through closed issues. I have sufficient skills to do the work, but don't have enough experience with r to...

Yes, I'll update the exercise, and then seek your input about where in the track to place it. On Fri, Sep 7, 2018 at 2:03 AM Jon Calder wrote: >...

/clibot unresolve Tried 4 versions and cannot find one that works in Azure Cloud .

The latter is what I meant by `The only way I can make it work in the python SDK is hard code the table name. ` I just don't like...

I don't think it does, but I will try once it's released. I'm not 100% sure if this is a bug or operator error. If the latter once I figure...

Sorry for the delay, but I had not worked with typescript before. I was able to deploy, but could not confirm the additional request was working, as I could not...

I'd like for it to work with table props vs existing table, but that is just a nice to have. This method will work if we can get the Table...

Thanks, I was able to validate this works for me. Do you want a documentation update to say the request templates require the use of an existing template, or should...

Thanks, where do you see the exception? Also, the article does not seem relevant, as of have limited to more control of the configuration of the socket connection. On Fri,...