Open-Sonic-1-Recreation copied to clipboard
Open source recreation of original Sonic The Hedgehog 1991 game on C++ programming language.
Open Sonic 1 Recreation
Open source recreation of original Sonic The Hedgehog 1991 game on C++ programming language.
Watch full gameplay on YouTube
- Gameplay
- Arrows - movement
- Z - Jump
- X - Spindash (CD Style)
- System
- C - On/Off Noclip
- F - Change window size
- R - Restart level
- Q - Go to previous level
- E - Go to next level
Check list
- Player ✔️
- Basic Movement ✔️
- 360 Movement ✔️
- Collisions ✔️
- Basic Actions ✔️
- Sounds ✔️
- Music ✔️
- Background parallax ✔️
- HUD ✔️
- Spikes ✔️
- Springs ✔️
- Bosses ❌
- Enemies
- Moto Bug ✔️
- Chopper ✔️
- Crabmeat ✔️
- Buzz Bomber ✔️
- Newtron ❌
- Ball Hog ❌
- Batbrain ❌
- Bomb ❌
- Burrobot ❌
- Roller ❌
- Spikes ❌
- Unidasu ❌
- Levels <Collisions> <Gimmicks>
- Green Hill ✔️✔️
- Marble ✔️❌
- Spring Yard ✔️❌
- Labyrinth ✔️❌
- Starlight ✔️❌
- Scrap Brain ✔️❌
Sources used
Build information
cmake -S . -B build
cmake --build build --config Release
- You need SFML2 library to build it:
- link following libraries: -lsfml-window -lsfml-graphics -lsfml-system -lsfml-audio
- Put output file and SFML dlls to bin folder
Compiling args
<your compiler> src\*.cpp -I include\ -I <path to SFML2 include folder> -L <path to SFML2 lib folder> -o bin\sonic.exe -lsfml-window -lsfml-graphics -lsfml-system -lsfml-audio
Example for MinGW / GCC
g++ src\*.cpp -I include\ -I lib\x64\SFML-2.5.1\include -L lib\x64\SFML-2.5.1\lib -o bin\sonic.exe -lsfml-window -lsfml-graphics -lsfml-system -lsfml-audio