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GUSHR fails at line 281 on stranded RNAseq BRAKER command

Open ckeeling opened this issue 3 years ago • 3 comments


I'm using the following command with braker 2.1.6: --genome genome.fa --UTR=on --stranded=+,- --bam=merged_fwd.bam,merged_rev.bam --softmasking --cores 48

I get the following error:

ERROR in file /usr/local/bin/BRAKER/scripts/ at line 10347
Failed not execute /usr/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/GUSHR/ -b /project/6015718/ckeeling/BRAKER2/RNAseq/merged_fwd.bam /project/6015718/ckeeling/BRAKER2/RNAseq/merged_rev.bam -t /project/6015718/ckeeling/BRAKER2/RNAseq/braker/augustus.hints.gtf -g /project/6015718/ckeeling/BRAKER2/RNAseq/braker/genome.fa -o /project/6015718/ckeeling/BRAKER2/RNAseq/braker/gushr -c 48 -s /usr/bin -a /usr/local/bin/Augustus/scripts -j /usr/bin -q 2 > /project/6015718/ckeeling/BRAKER2/RNAseq/braker/gushr.log 2> /project/6015718/ckeeling/BRAKER2/RNAseq/braker/errors/gushr.err!

gush.err is empty, but gushr.log shows:

Searching for samtools:
Will use /usr/bin/samtools
Searching for
Will use /usr/local/bin/Augustus/scripts/
Trying to execute the following command:
/usr/bin/samtools sort -@ 48 /project/6015718/ckeeling/BRAKER2/RNAseq/merged_fwd.bam -o ./gushr-KHGQHBHHASFN/rnaseq_0_s.bam
Suceeded in executing command.
Error in file /usr/local/bin/GUSHR/ at line 281: Return code of subprocess was 1['/usr/bin/samtools', 'sort', '-@', '48', '/project/6015718/ckeeling/BRAKER2/RNAseq/merged_fwd.bam', '-o', './gushr-KHGQHBHHASFN/rnaseq_0_s.bam']
Will try again...
Trying to execute the following command:
/usr/bin/samtools sort -@ 48 /project/6015718/ckeeling/BRAKER2/RNAseq/merged_fwd.bam -o ./gushr-KHGQHBHHASFN/rnaseq_0_s.bam
Suceeded in executing command.
Error in file /usr/local/bin/GUSHR/ at line 281: Return code of subprocess was 1['/usr/bin/samtools', 'sort', '-@', '48', '/project/6015718/ckeeling/BRAKER2/RNAseq/merged_fwd.bam', '-o', './gushr-KHGQHBHHASFN/rnaseq_0_s.bam']
Will try again...
Trying to execute the following command:
/usr/bin/samtools sort -@ 48 /project/6015718/ckeeling/BRAKER2/RNAseq/merged_fwd.bam -o ./gushr-KHGQHBHHASFN/rnaseq_0_s.bam
Suceeded in executing command.
Error in file /usr/local/bin/GUSHR/ at line 281: Return code of subprocess was 1['/usr/bin/samtools', 'sort', '-@', '48', '/project/6015718/ckeeling/BRAKER2/RNAseq/merged_fwd.bam', '-o', './gushr-KHGQHBHHASFN/rnaseq_0_s.bam']
Will try again...
Trying to execute the following command:
/usr/bin/samtools sort -@ 48 /project/6015718/ckeeling/BRAKER2/RNAseq/merged_fwd.bam -o ./gushr-KHGQHBHHASFN/rnaseq_0_s.bam
Suceeded in executing command.
Error in file /usr/local/bin/GUSHR/ at line 281: Return code of subprocess was 1['/usr/bin/samtools', 'sort', '-@', '48', '/project/6015718/ckeeling/BRAKER2/RNAseq/merged_fwd.bam', '-o', './gushr-KHGQHBHHASFN/rnaseq_0_s.bam']

If I run the samtools command myself (without all the single quotes and commas) there is no error.

Any suggestions on a solution? Thanks, Chris

ckeeling avatar Jun 29 '21 13:06 ckeeling

This seems to be a problem with GeMoMa (GeMoMa-1.6.2.jar) that is described elsewhere: and I am running BRAKER in a Singularity container, and thus GeMoMa.ini.xml cannot be written in a read-only container. To resolve this issue, I had to install GUSHR outside the container and run it external to the container. I included an environment file with the Singularity command as follows:

singularity exec --cleanenv --env-file config_file ....

Where the config_file contains: GUSHR_PATH=/path to GUSHR outside of container/GUSHR

The job is still running, at the GUSHR step, but GUSHR IS running.

This is a kludge to get it to work. Hopefully it can be resolved in another way within BRAKER/GUSHR in the future.

ckeeling avatar Jul 02 '21 20:07 ckeeling

Hi Chris,

I want to use the Braker2 container you built from singularity hub. Two questions I had (I am just getting my hands dirty with singularity). Do you pull the latest Braker2 release when you build the container? Does the container get updated whenever there is a new release of Braker2?

Thanks Abhijit

sanyalab avatar Jul 18 '22 04:07 sanyalab

Hello @sanyalab,

When I build the container, it pulls the most recent versions of most things. But, on singularity hub, the container is stored already built, so it is frozen at the time I built it (currently Oct 7, 2021 at 7:44 pm). Below is the recipe I used for the build if you'd like to build it yourself with any modification, it is not too hard on if you create your own account there. See notes on registration of Gene-Mark tools in the recipe. This container was build for my own use, so it may not work on all systems.

Bootstrap: docker
From: ubuntu:latest

    MAINTAINER [email protected]
    Version 20210622

This is a container used to run braker2 
MAINTAINER christopher.keeling@
(Not associated with braker2 code development)

For more information, see:

Tomas Bruna, Katharina J. Hoff, Alexandre Lomsadze, Mario Stanke and Mark Borodvsky. 2021. “BRAKER2: automatic eukaryotic genome annotation with GeneMark-EP+ and AUGUSTUS supported by a protein database." NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics 3(1):lqaa108.	

	echo "This is a Singularity container used to run braker2:"
	echo "Container was created $NOW"



ln -snf /usr/share/zoneinfo/$TZ /etc/localtime && echo $TZ > /etc/timezone
apt-get -y update
apt-get install -y gnupg
gpg --list-keys

gpg --keyserver --recv-key E298A3A825C0D65DFD57CBB651716619E084DAB9
gpg -a --export E298A3A825C0D65DFD57CBB651716619E084DAB9 | apt-key add -
apt-get -y upgrade
apt-get install -y python3 python3-dev python3-setuptools git wget build-essential autoconf
apt-get install -y python3-pip python3-tk libx11-dev openjdk-8-jdk sudo

# Install dependencies for AUGUSTUS comparative gene prediction mode (CGP)
apt-get install -y libgsl-dev libboost-all-dev libsuitesparse-dev liblpsolve55-dev
apt-get install -y libsqlite3-dev libmysql++-dev

# Install dependencies for the optional support of gzip compressed input files
apt-get install -y libboost-iostreams-dev zlib1g-dev

# Install dependencies for bam2hints and filterBam
apt-get install -y libbamtools-dev

# Install additional dependencies for bam2wig
apt-get install -y samtools libhts-dev

# Install additional dependencies for homGeneMapping and utrrnaseq
apt-get install -y libboost-all-dev

# Install additional dependencies for scripts
apt-get install -y cdbfasta diamond-aligner libfile-which-perl libparallel-forkmanager-perl libyaml-perl libdbd-mysql-perl
apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends python3-biopython

apt-get install -y language-pack-en-base locales 
locale-gen en_US.UTF-8

pip3 install biopython

# Install CPAN-Perl modules
apt-get install -y cpanminus

sudo cpanm File::Spec::Functions File::HomeDir Hash::Merge List::Util MCE::Mutex Logger::Simple Module::Load::Conditional Parallel::ForkManager POSIX Scalar::Util::Numeric YAML Math::Utils threads

# Install dependencies
	cd /usr/local/bin

	apt-get install -y bamtools samtools spaln exonerate diamond-aligner cdbfasta

# GeneMark-ES/ET/EP
	## Note that these links are only temporary ("ozhiW" part) due to registration. 
	## You need to register and replace the links here.

	tar zxvf gmes_linux_64.tar.gz
	rm gmes_linux_64.tar.gz
	cd gmes_linux_64

	# Software key
	gunzip gm_key_64.gz
	## key must be in home directory with simplier name (outside of singularity container)
	## cp /usr/local/bin/gmes_linux_64/gm_key_64 ~/.gm_key # To be done once container is created
	## Change path to perl in scripts
	./ /usr/bin/perl
	cd ..

	git clone
	cd Augustus
	make augustus
	make auxprogs
	cd auxprogs
	cd /usr/local/bin/Augustus/auxprogs/filterBam
	cd /usr/local/bin/Augustus/auxprogs/utrrnaseq
	cd /usr/local/bin/Augustus/auxprogs/joingenes
	cd /usr/local/bin/Augustus
	sudo make install
	cd /usr/local/bin

# ProtHint
	git clone

# GenomeThreader
	tar zxvf gth-1.7.3-Linux_x86_64-64bit.tar.gz
	rm gth-1.7.3-Linux_x86_64-64bit.tar.gz

    tar zxvf ncbi-blast-2.11.0+-x64-linux.tar.gz
    rm ncbi-blast-2.11.0+-x64-linux.tar.gz

# cdbfasta
	git clone
	cd cdbfasta
	cd ..
	git clone

ln -s /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python

# Install Braker2
echo "Installing Braker2..."
	git clone

	export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/local/bin/ncbi-blast-2.11.0+/bin:/usr/local/bin/gmes_linux_64:/usr/local/bin/BRAKER/scripts:/usr/local/bin/ProtHint/bin:/usr/local/bin/gth-1.7.3-Linux_x86_64-64bit/bin:/usr/local/bin/cdbfasta"
	export AUGUSTUS_BIN_PATH="/opt/augustus-3.4.0/bin"
	export AUGUSTUS_SCRIPTS_PATH="/usr/local/bin/Augustus/scripts"
    export BSSMDIR="/usr/local/bin/gth-1.7.3-Linux_x86_64-64bit/bin/bssm"
    export GTHDATADIR="/usr/local/bin/gth-1.7.3-Linux_x86_64-64bit/bin/gthdata"
    export NOW=`date`
	export SINGULARITYENV_LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"

I ran it as follows:

singularity exec --cleanenv --env-file config_file braker2_latest.sif --genome genome.fa --prot_seq proteins.fa --softmasking --cores 48

Where config_file contains:


ckeeling avatar Jul 18 '22 13:07 ckeeling