fmod_studio_warthunder_for_modders copied to clipboard
Some sound events are not working properly (in game) while other event are fine.
So now, I have problem with shell sound that should sound like this (cannon_shell_drop)
but when in game, it play default sound.
I've tried all user manual about wt sound modding but it still doesn't help.
I'm already using Fmod version 2.01.06 for wt sound modding
-have this same problem with all MGs too
It's weird that it only happen to some sounds, so here's one that work properly (cannon_shell_med_drop) The video have render issue and can't reproduce. sorry
Hello! Are you sure you work with that cannon sound event that sounds in tank you test it in?
Yes, I'm very sure that I'm working on cannon sound event that sounds in tank I'm test it in.